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Chris paced around his room nervously again. He had called about 20 different people and he still had no clue where Scarlett was and he was worried sick.

He had never felt worse in his life and he just wanted to cry, even if that sounds stupid.

Scarlett was the love of his life, and he didn't want to loose her. He was about to call yet another person when Vance came into the room.

"Hey calm down." Vance said as he took Chris's phone. "Stop calling a bunch of people. She'll come back! I know it."

Chris shook his head and looked down.

"This is all my fault. I didn't realize I was being so insensitive to her problems! I should have though about what it just have been like in her shoes."

Vance patted Chris on the back and said, "Dad, look. It's not your fault. It's all because her parents are huge assholes!"

"Vance!" Chris said giving him a look.

Vance put his hands on the air and said, "I'm not wrong though. I mean they treated you guys like trash. They are the ones at fault."

Chris sighed but had to agree with him. Scarlett's parents had not treated them well.

"C'mon!" Vance said, as he dragged Chris out of the room. "Let's go play Xbox. You need a distraction right now."

Chris followed Vance downstairs into their living room where the TV and Xbox were set up.

Chris had to admit: he was having a good time. He was happy to be spending some more time with Vance and the game was really fun.

Suddenly they heard the door open. Chris and Vance both turned to see who it was.

It was Scarlett. She looked like she had been crying and she walked in with her head down.

"Oh my God! Scarlett! I was so worried about you! Thank God you're okay." Chris said as he rushed over to her. Scarlett still kept her head down.

"I-I-I'm sorry." Scarlett said as she suddenly burst into tears. Chris wrapped his muscular arms around her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Chris whispered softly, as he rubbed her back. "I'm sorry too."

"Why are you sorry?" Scarlett asked looking up at him.

"I wasn't thinking about how upset you were. I was only thinking about myself and I was worried that you were gonna break up with me." Chris said.

Scarlett looked up at him and replied, "Chris, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just really stressed about my parents and I was upset and I took it out on you. I'm the one who's sorry."

Chris smiled at her and responded, "So are we good now? Like between you and me?"

Scarlett laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, we're good."

Chris grinned and pulled Scarlett in for a kiss.

The two of them could never be mad at each other.

A/N: Hey guys! How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well and are staying healthy! I am so sorry for not updating in like over a month. I have been really busy but I will try to update more often. I'm sorry that this chapter was kind of short. Hope you guys have a great day!

True Love: An Evansson Story (discontinued- see description!)Where stories live. Discover now