Chapter 29:

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Corey was cuddled up on Jim's sofa, jim had been nothing but kind to him. He wished Joey would act like this.

He had been round for three days now. And he felt miserable. But jim made it okay.

He had supringly allowed jim a lot of physical contact. Why? He wasnt sure. But he really trusted jim. He did. Jim never had any brash movments or anything.

Jim found out what he had done that morning and tended to them carefully. He told corey it wasnt his fault and that he didnt like seeing it but itll be okay. And that he wants to help him break the habit.

Corey looked up as jim smiled.

"How you feeling?"

"I dont want to answer that."

"Why?" Jim asked softly

"I'll sound ungrateful."

"No. You can be honest. I wont take it like that." Jim said


"I can imagine." Jim sighed "it must be hard for you. Joey saying that has every right to still effect you."

"I still think hes right."

"Oh corey." Jim said

"My mother said the same thing. I just think if so many people think it's my I lying to myself saying it's not?"

"Corey." Jim said firmly "these people want you to believe it's your fault so they can back out of helping you. I..they dont want to believe it happened because they dont know how to react so they brush it away. Leave it with you."

Corey looked up, "you really think they dont want to help?"

"They dont know how. Instead of trying they just give up immediately."

Corey nodded sadly

Jim sighed. Corey looked so dead. Joey might as well have shot him. It made jim quite sad.

He knew corey before slipknot. And well corey had never been happy.

But this level of sadness, jim had never seen.

Joey really had gone way too far.

"I dont know jim. His words. They bought back a lot of flashbacks and I can feel him on best friend. I...god I cant live like this. It drives me mad. It hurts so much."

Jim sighed "I wish you didnt have to suffer like this." He looked at corey "I'd do whatever to stop it."

"...Jim.. I...thank you."

Jim smiled as he folded a tea towel.

"We have practise today." Jim said

"I'm not going."

"You have to-"


Jim nodded

"Dont tell joey anything either. Say you dont know where I am. Please. Dont tell anyone." Corey begged

"Are you sure? Shawn would understand."


Jim nodded again "I wont."

"Thank you."

Jim shrugged "anytime. You mean a lot to me corey. I wouldnt hurt you."

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't thank me." Jim said

"No one else has ever been kind."

Jim forced a smile. That hurt him.

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