Chapter 38:

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Corey was washing up from breakfast gently counting up to eight in his head for how long he scrubbed, how long the soap stayed on, and how long he re scrubbed it.

Joey placed his hands on Corey's shoulders making him jump slightly but nothing too major.

Corey turnd around and looked over "hey." He said

Joey rested his head on Corey's shoulder "hi." He smiled

"You good?"

"Corey isnt life going literally amazing right now?"

Corey went to argue.

When did life ever go well for him.

But then he realised.

He wasnt homeless, he wasnt at someone like Tom's house or corkeys house or in Florida.

He had a roof, a very expensive roof, and a bed, and a cat theoretically.

And his favourite films on dvd and vhs.

And he had a boyfriend who he currently wasnt fighting with

Not to mention joeys mom sort of accepted them in a werid way.

And although the guy at the bar creeped him out, and having to see jason recently.

He sighed.

Joey was right.

He couldnt complain.

He was someone actually safe, he wasnt at that camp, watching people die around him, watching people fuck around him, fucking around people.

Corey would admit it.

He wished he could be more functional though.

He actually wanted to fuck, well it wasnt fucking, it was proper sex with love and emotions, he wanted to do that with Joey again.

Lust was hard to keep a lid on for him. Which Joey would probely be surprised about.

Before he met Joey and even after, ignoring the blowjobs for changed, corey still had a lot of sex.

And he ment a lot.

But it was different, because he was in control, ralrey did he hook up with a guy as opposed to women.

It was just easier.

Joey knew he was well practically a whole slut.

But Joey didnt even know the extent.

Corey hated to admit he got gonorrhea twice not to menchion lice.

But when you live with shitty people its expected.

The lice were from a bound of male strippers he lived with.

But the commitment to Joey, as in not like cheating no, corey would never cheat. But the idea hed have to give Joey control that had and still did terrify him.


Corey had fucked a lot of women, the issue was. He couldnt always finish.

Now again, this wasnt an weakness or dysfunction on his part. Nor was it like anything wrong with downstairs.

The issue was, sometimes hed get a flashback or feel a sensation that reminded him of what happened. That was a literal instant turn off.

He could sometimes ignore it to finish and just feel gross afterwards.

But on other occasions, he had to stop. Or get a guy to stop.

If they got kinky and tried to choke him, not that they could with his huge next but tried all the same.

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