4. Trasure

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"Thanks Yang." Jaemin took the food out of his hand grinning widely.

"Should I buy something for Dejun?"

"Nah, he's fine." Muttered Jaemin when Xiaojun's stomach made a loud gran at the sight of the food.

He hasn't eaten a proper meal since their escape from Autumn's house.

"Dad, I need to eat something. Also my name is Xiaojun just for clearing."

Yangyang looked at Jaemin questioningly.

"It's a nickname he came up with just for fun, but keep calling him Dejun, he won't mind." Jaemin stuffed his mouth full with the hot dog when Xiaojun trembled from fury.

Of course he will mind, as he hated his name. Who in his right mind calls his kid Dejun!

Yangyang was watching him with the same curiosity as last night when Xiaojun looked away.

"Come with me Dejun I'll pay for your breakfast."

Yangyang's cheerful tone made a cold shiver run down his spine. So Jaemin has already made Yangyang cover their livings expenses for the ride.

"I'm fine." Said Xiaojun ignoring the growling in his stomach slamming the back door shut.

Why has fate played such a bad prank on him, dragging the only person precious for him into their dirt.

The worst thing was, he couldn't do anything to warn Yangyang.

The shimmering lake they had stopped at had a long pier. There was a wooden house right next to the shore. "It belongs to my family since three generations." Assured Jaemin giving Xiaojun signs with his eyes to keep Yangyang in the car.

"Your father is so nice." Yangyang was eating jellies watching the lake when Xiaojun cast a quick glance towards Jaemin who had opened the trunk taking a long crowbar he has used to break into so many ruins and empty houses out, hiding it underneath the long coat.

"Dejun why are you not speaking to me?" Yangyang turned his way when Xiaojun was watching Jaemin walking towards the lake house.

What if it wasn't empty? The skin on his arms crumbled from sudden fear. It was worrying him even more as there were only five pills in his box left. He needed to visit doctor Seo asap. Was Jaemin even thinking about the consequences?

"Dejun!" Yangyang's voice brought him back to here and now.

"Be careful, my father is the best actor you'll probably ever meet."

Their eyes locked when Yangyang's face became paler.

"I don't like you!" He said jumping out of the car.

Xiaojun saw him hurrying down towards the pier carrying the violin box like a huge teddy he'd like to hug into. Yet, maybe Yangyang didn't trust them much, as he has never left the violin off guard.

"Dejun," a hand was shaking his arm a little bit painfully.



Through a blurry vision Xiaojun noticed Jaemin's face right above him.

"Take your stuff and be quiet."

Jaemin got up tiptoeing to the door.

They had spend the afternoon in the lake house, there was some food in the fridge they just took out to prepare dinner. Xiaojun wasn't proud of himself for eating it, but the hunger had the best of him. Yangyang seemed tired, so he went to bed early. Jaemin has offered him the 'guest room' that must have belonged to the owners of the house, while Xiaojun was left to clean all dishes and fall asleep underneath his used jacket on the couch. Now it was the same scenario again, Jaemin waking him up in the middle of the night.

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