19. Promise

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Dejun began to howl again so Yangyang was becoming so hopeless looking around his gaze falling at the violin, his heart double jumped when he ran to open the box and lifted the instrument in his trembling hands.

The sound of the strings broke Dejun's cries causing him to look up in shock. Yangyang was playing the piece Kun has written for him, watching Dejun who became quiet only shivering madly and sobbing into his hoodie.

The music was vibrant in that small room, bringing some hope and light into that peril they were in. Dejun's gaze became more sober so Yangyang lowered the violin taking a loud breath in.

"Is it getting better?" Whispered Yangyang slipping to Dejun's side.

The boy nodded lying down on the floor placing his head in Yangyang's lap, causing an avalanche of strange tingling in his insides.

He just tangled his fingers into Dejun's hair caressing over it gently.

"Don't you have any medication for moments like that?" Asked Yangyang.

Dejun's found something in his pocket taking it out stretching his way.

"I only have two left, I need to keep them for an emergency."

Yangyang sighed, wasn't this here an emergency daily. Was Dejun expecting his state to become any worse because if, Yangyang had no idea what to do then.

"Doctor Seo lives in the capital, I need to visit him, but I can't..." Dejun's voice cracked.

Yangyang had no idea what to tell, so he was just sitting there playing with Dejun's hair strings while the boy was shivering less then more again, to calm down a bit before another fear wave. He was clenching the medicine box in his fist as if holding on to it could still the pain, but Yangyang was sure if this here will last any longer Dejun will reach an edge of his condition, he might have no way back from anymore.

"Mum!" Xiaojun lifted his head to see the room still cast in deep darkness.

There was someone warm so close to him pressed to his body in a tight hug and Xiaojun freaked out seeing Yangyang's arms around himself. They had been lying on the floor under the same blanket cuddling. Has Yangyang moved into that position after he has fallen asleep invading his private space. Xiaojun began to tremble terribly. The fear was raising and falling but never really letting go since three days, he was in some type of hell for sure.

"Dejun is it coming back?" Yangyang moved up caressing over his cheek so Xiaojun jumped up running out of the house into the cold night.

What was Yangyang thinking to constantly touch him, he had Bell's germs all over his body in his hands and lips, and other places Xiaojun rather not even imagined.

The night was chilly, a wind was tearing up clouds revealing the full moon. The pier he entered seemed so peaceful, yet it the scenery of the lake couldn't still the inner fear. Will he die now that Yangyang had been so close to him for whoever knows however hours.

"Dejun!" Yangyang's voice raised all hair on his body.

The boy was hurrying his way holding the violin box, as he was never leaving it out of arm reach, protecting it from Jaemin. A few hours ago Yangyang's music has calmed his inner storm but it was all back and Xiaojun pressed his hand into his pocket feeling the medicine box. Was the time to take the last two pills now? Or was there much worse waiting ahead.

"Dejun this has to stop, you will ruin yourself," Yangyang reached him stopping so close.

"There's no way, I only have two pills left. You know..."

"Shut up," Yangyang suddenly pulled him to his body by his neck falling over his lips in a hungry kiss, twisting everything inside Xiaojun.

His skin filled with goosebumps, his heart began to race, the insane pain and fear laid down like a silenced storm. There was just static in his head and the serenity of Yangyang's warm sweat taste, the flavor of safety, of a home he has never had.

"I promise you I will protect you," whispered Yangyang nuzzling their nose tips together while looking him deeply in the eyes when a sharp voice broke the magic of that moment.

"You creep, how dare you to touch my son!"

Xiaojun's whole body like hit by pins and needles when he wished to disappear, to simply dissolved into nothing, but Yangyang's arm just tangled tighter around him.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you always," Yangyang's whisper was more beautiful than his music filling Xiaojun's heart with light.

He felt those warm lips on his again, this time it was just a peck he could melt into.

"Freaking creep! I will not allow you to misuse my son, you gay!" Jaemin was shouting so Yangyang pulled back covering Xiaojun from his father.

"My son is straight. How can you touch him!" Jaemin's eyes were so dark for a moment Xiaojun was afraid he will hurt Yangyang.

"You know nothing about Dejun, you never cared a bit about him or getting to know him!" Yangyang closed his fist.

"Give me the violin!" Jaemin's tone changed to terrifyingly calm.

"No, it's my violin," said Yangyang.

"You two go into the car right now," Jaemin was watching Yangyang with such hate Xiaojun would have run by now if it had been him stared at like that.

"Dejun go first," said Yangyang so Xiaojun ran towards the car his body in an uproar torn between the symptoms of his nightmare and amazing healing of Yangyang's kiss.

Yangyang sprinted behind him both reaching the car.

"You creep will sit in front next to me," said Jaemin so Xiaojun fell on the backseat trembling again watching Jaemin and Yangyang taking places in the front.

Yangyang was squeezing the violin tightly, but Jaemin was calm starting the car driving up the bumpy road.

"Where are we going?" Asked Xiaojun digging his nails into the backseat to still the fear.

"To get rid of the creep," muttered Jaemin smirking to himself.

Thank you so much for your love. I hope since next week I will be able to return to my posting schedule. What do you think about the chapter and Yangyang's promise? What will Jaemin do?

Much <3

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