6. A new friend

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Xiaojun's heart racing like crazy when he looked outside to spot Jaemin who was lying flat on the hood.

"Dad!" Xiaojun left the car throwing the rest of the burger on the street running to his father to see him not moving his face pressed to the cold metal of the hood. There was blood on his white shivery when Xiaojun felt he'll faint.

"We have an emergency here, we need help!" Yangyang was talking through the phone when Xiaojun was standing there frozen watching Jaemin's motionless body,

"Dad..." He whispered feeling cold tears when he looked up at Yangyang.

"You can see your father boy." A doctor came to them.

It was three scary hours later, a long unpleasant hospital corridor with a strange smell and an uncomfortable chair. Silence and fear.

"Come." Yangyang jumped up when Xiaojun needed a moment to command his legs to listen to him.

"What's up with him?" Asked Yangyang who has stayed calm throughout all of this.

"Someone cut his arm with a knife he has lost a lot of blood but is conscious now, still he will need to stay here for some time. We stitched his arm but it wasn't easy." The man sighed.

"Has he said how it happened?" Yangyang was a bit pale.

"Had only said his last girlfriend went nuts." The man seemed troubled when he left down the hall.

"Come." Yangyang looked Xiaojun's way.

"What now?" Xiaojun was standing like frozen.

They had no money to pay for the medical treatment his father had received, it meant at some point Jaemin will be forced to run from hospital. Yet till that time where should Xiaojun sleep, what to buy food for. Was the car enough to become the only roof over his head.

"The worst thing is through this whole drama my mum had found out where I am and she wants me back home immediately." Yangyang lowered his head he was speaking to his shoestrings.

"Wh... Wh... now... am I... will I be homeless?" Asked Xiaojun.

Their eyes met briefly, Yangyang's every sad ones were carrying regret.

Will I never see you again, and I can't... not see you again? That question was stuck at the tip of his mouth yet unspoken.

"Yangyang!" A man's voice broke the scary moment when Xiaojun looked up to see a young guy with dark blonde hair hurrying their way.

"Mr. Qian," Yangyang bowed down.

"Just call me Kun, is this the boy?"

The guy's, Kun's gaze fell on him when Xiaojun blushed.

"Yes it's him."

"Hi what's your name, I'm Kun." The man stretched his hand out but Xiaojun never even made a move to shake it.

"He's afraid of germs." Whispered Yangyang causing a cold shiver to reach Xiaojun's toes.

"No problem, my house is really clean. I'm Yangyang's friend and I decided to give you shelter as long as you gonna need it."

Kun was still calm and energetic but Xiaojun felt an opposition inside himself. Why hasn't he said until your father gets better?

"Here, drink some tea after we can go."

Xiaojun looked up to see Kun slipping into the room where Jaemin was asleep on the bed.

"I..." Xiaojun looked at Kun's fingers wrapped around the cup. "Thank you but I'm not thirsty."

"What's your name by the way we didn't have time to introduce properly." Kun walked his way.

"Xiaojun... I mean, that's the name I like... my real name is Dejun."

"So Xiaojun are we good to go?"

Xiaojun's heart sped up when he looked at Kun completely stunned.

"Dad I will be back tomorrow. Please stay here and get better." Xiaojun got up caressing over Jaemin's dried palm.

It was the first time when he was leaving his father's side, while he needed to trust a total stranger. Yangyang gave him his word though telling that Kun is a good guy and he trusted Yangyang.

Xiaojun's insides seemed on fire when he was following Kun down the corridor, the images from two hours ago still so fresh. Reality felt double empty without Yangyang.

The lady who has come to pick Yangyang up seemed like a queen of ice in her posh clothes with the diamond jewelry.

"We'll see each other." Were the words Yangyang said bye with.

I hope you keep your promise, thought Xiaojun slipping on a backseat of a car that Kun started immediately.

It was a silent ride, Xiaojun couldn't believe that this morning he was having dinner with Yangyang, was looking in the most beautiful eyes he missed way too much.
It was a short drive to a luxurious part of the city where they stopped in front of a house Xiaojun has only seen in movies before.

There was a villa with bright yellow walls and ornamented roofs magnificently raising in front of him. He felt so small as if standing at the feet of a giant.

"Xiaojun come." Kun laid a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

He has been right about the house being perfectly clean, the floor was so polished Xiaojun could see his own reflection in it. The beautiful order lifted some of the tension.

"I'll show you the guest rooms you can choose whichever you like the most." Kun was still energetic and positive giving Xiaojun some type of strength.

Thank you so much for your support. Did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about Jaemin being injured and Yangyang's mum finding out where he is? What about Kun helping Xiaojun? What will happen now?

Much <3

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