12. It's hot in here

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"Xiaojun! Wait!"

It was the first long break and Xiaojun was hurrying down the corridor.

For the past hours he had managed to avoid both, Hendery and Yangyang as they were causing a lot of strange things inside him, the first one guilt and embarrassment about the almost kiss and the misshapen date, the second one too many emotions Xiaojun couldn't even name.

"Xiaojun!" Unfortunately Hendery caught up to him in the corridor. "Hey, I want to talk."

Xiaojun nodded lowering his head.

"I'm sorry for last night, I was definitely overwhelming you, you're not that guy to take thing quickly. I'm sorry, let's work on things slowly."

Xiaojun only nodded, what could he do, what could he tell, that he was suffering from a freaking obsessive disorder but despite it he was ok with kissing Yangyang.

"I don't think we." He spoke.

"Xiaojun, you're really the most beautiful person I've ever met and I'm head over heels. I'll do anything to be with you."

Hendery's words were heartbreaking.

"Can we go on another date and work at it in your peace?"

There was so much hope in Hendery's eyes Xiaojun couldn't look, how could he tell that he was in love since years, deeply, madly, unconditionally in love with world's most famous violinist.

"I don't think we can work." Whispered Xiaojun.

"Please, give me one more chance." Begged Hendery.

"I... my father came back and it's complicated." Muttered Xiaojun.

"Oh, I get it. I mean we can start from being friends."

"Yes, that's better." Xiaojun felt some burden lifting.

"Ok, so let's go to the cafeteria and hang out, you will give me the list of your favorite food and list all allergies." Hendery clapped.

"I... need to use the restroom." Stuttered Xiaojun.

"Ok, I'll keep a spot for you at our table. We're the top clique of the school you will love it." Hendery winked.

I don't want to be in any clique nor do I fit into any, thought Xiaojun hurrying to the boys' restroom stopping opposite to a mirror above a sink.

That freaking mirror had some water drops sticking to it, or was it something else, toothpaste, juice or other scary whatever's, that who knows whoever...

A cubicle door banged and Xiaojun almost jumped out of his skin seeing Yangyang in the mirror reflection. The boy walked to a sink right next to him washing his hands carefully.

"Here, I have the disinfectant." Muttered Xiaojun reaching you his bag.

Yangyang took it from him, cleaning his hands again without a word of complaint.

"So." He threw it into Xiaojun's backpack looking him straight into the eyes when Xiaojun's throat dried like last night. "Getting comfy with Hendery I see."

"No. I... I've told him we can't be anything." Whispered Xiaojun.

Some wild glitters appeared in Yangyang's eyes.

"We're not anything, you know that." He said.

Xiaojun swallowed nervously.

So why are you staring at me like that, he thought.

"What I did last night was just to show you a kiss and it's no big deal, you won't di..."

"Shut up."

Xiaojun suddenly jumped at Yangyang catching his lips in his, licking over them hungrily.

Yangyang's laugh filled the restroom when he pulled back.

"What?" Asked Xiaojun feeling blushes on his cheeks but Yangyang only took his face in his hands bringing their lips back into that nice position of perfect melting, when he just pressed Xiaojun against the sink parting his lips with his tongue in a skilled way licking over his up and down, around, in, out. Exploring all over his mouth. Xiaojun needed to hold on to something so he found himself pulling Yangyang's hair in his fists.

They were moaning into each other making out like some lunatic, like in the movies unable to stop, but the door banged, so Yangyang jumped off him, his face all red and burning his hair one sexy mess. Yangyang just played it cool fixing his hair in the mirror as if nothing has happened when a boy was eyeing them up strangely on his way to the nearest cubicle.

"See you. I think your wannabe boyfriend is waiting in the cafeteria impatiently." Yangyang bit on his lower lip sending Xiaojun a hot glance. Xiaojun was so over, stretching his hand out to caress over Yangyang face.

"Just tone it down at school." Whispered Yangyang leaning in for a quick peck, but staying for three more.

Was he really pretending or as much on fire as Xiaojun?

Yangyang just left him there so unfulfilled, begging for more. Xiaojun sighed turning to the mirror bringing himself to some kind of viewable state. Hendery couldn't know, at least not now. Xiaojun knew at some point he needed to tell Hendery about him and Yangyang, better earlier than later.

Ah why was it all so complicated, love. He suddenly realized it could be even more difficult for his father. Maybe that's why Jaemin couldn't stay with anyone.

 Maybe that's why Jaemin couldn't stay with anyone

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Thank you so much for your feedback. Did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about Hendery still trying to make Xiaojun his boyfriend and about Yangyang's words? What about Xiaoyang's second time kissing? Will Hendery find out?

Much <3

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