15. Forgotten enemy

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"I'll do it!" Yangyang stepped out when Xiaojun wished to dissolve into thin air, but all he could do was to watch the boy nearing the girl bending down causing mad shouts and sqeals in the crowd. He was looking at Xiaojun only though when he just licked into her belly button sucking the drink off causing her body to bend like a bow and a moan to scape her lips.

The world was spinning again, like some madness it became sharp again after a few seconds. The crowd was shouting begging Yangyang to okay something so he just grinned confidently taking a random violin a boy from the orchestra handed him, checking the strings before starting to play some mad melody of passion. Ok, he looked like a full masterpiece in that limited edition white hoodie to a leather jacket, playing like no tomorrow causing girls in the crowd to almost climax from just watching.

How could Xiaojun even dare to think a boy like that would ever be his? How? Some lonely almost orphan, without money or future, all alone in that huge scary dirty world so suddenly. Just a teen with an obsessive disorder getting worse day by day, when that young man was perfection, desired, admired. Yangyang could definitely have each female or male on that party with just one finger snap, so him, he meant nothing. A boy who couldn't even kiss him anymore knowing he had done that.

A firm hand landed on his shoulder causing Xiaojun to look up. It was a nightmare definitely as there was Jaemin in his used coat watching him seriously.

"Come." He said pulling Xiaojun out of the crowd when he had no strength left to oppose casting one last glance at Yangyang.


There was a tall blonde man pulling Dejun out of the room when Yangyang's performance cracked so abruptly.

He lowered the fiddlestick needing a few seconds to put two and two together.

"Shit!" He jumped towards the orchestra grabbing the violin box from that boy. "Borrowing that." He said hiding the violin inside then running between the stunned crowd, falling outside to see Jaemin violently pushing Dejun into that rusty car.

Yangyang's blood boiled, so he ran as fast as his legs were carrying him reaching the car, jumping on the backseat. There was Dejun struggling hard against Jaemin's grips while he has been handcuffed to the door.

"What are you doing!" Yelled Yangyang towards Jaemin.

The man was insane for sure to torture his son like that especially with Dejun's issues.

"Get off my car!" Jaemin let go off Dejun, his gaze so scary Yangyang almost scooped back.

Almost, he kept that stare to show Jaemin he's not afraid of the man.

"Let him go." Yangyang grabbed the handcuffs trying to free Dejun but it was sealed.

"Lea..." Jaemin's greedy gaze lingered on the violin box.

Yangyang's heartbeat speeding up, Jaemin had no idea he has taken a cheap violin belonging to a random student, and he shouldn't find out.

"Shut up both of you!" Yelled Jaemin slamming the car door from Dejun's side shut then taking the driver's spot. The engine started when Yangyang wrapped Dejun into his arms as the boy was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Don't you see what you're doing to your son?" Hissed Yangyang.

"I've said shut up, both of you." Jaemin was driving, his hands trembling on the steering wheel.

Was it really the life he has wished for Dejun, Yangyang wondered? What kind of parent was doing things like that, suddenly in all that hardships Yangyang realized Winwin has been treating him and his mother so amazingly, trying everything he could to become a fatherly figure for him, while this piece of shit here...

Dejun couldn't calm down his sobs becoming more and more historical when they were leaving the city down a highway.

"Phones!" Said Jaemin seeing the move Yangyang did, towards his pocket.

"Here but if you dare to break it, it's worth more than you entire existence." Yangyang handed his the phone.

"Give me Dejun's phone." Demanded Jaemin.

Yangyang sighed reaching to Dejun's pocket taking his phone out handing Jaemin.

Of course his mother and Winwin will report them missing soon, someone will find them, he was a public person easily recognizable, the chances were high, the most important was to not to loose Dejun out of his eyesight. He needed to stick to the boy and protect him from Jaemin, as even now Dejun didn't have any more strength to sob so he was just crying into Yangyang's clothes.

The buzzing of the engine stopped. Yangyang opened his eyes feeling so numb, he must have taken a nap.

"Where are we?" He asked rubbing the sleep off his face.

There was just darkness hanging behind the window, some low clouds spitting out drizzle.

"Get out." Jaemin slammed the car door open when Dejun lifted his head from Yangyang's lap.

"Don't worry my mum and Winwin are definitely looking for us, they'll find us soon," whispered Yangyang caressing into Dejun's hair.

"Get out!" Jaemin opened the back door when Dejun was dragged up brutally by the handcuffs.

"You're hurting him idiot!" Yelled Yangyang, but Jaemin ignored untying Dejun then dragging him into the darkness so Yangyang followed with the violin box. It was important to pretend, Jaemin thinking its his precious violin was probably the only thing keeping them alive.

Thank you so much for your love. What do you think about the happenings of this chapter, Yangyang taking Hendery's challenge instead of Xiaojun and Jaemin kidnapping the boys. What will happen now?

Much <3

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