24. Therapy

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"Can I come in?" Yangyang put his head through the door glancing into his room cautiously.

It has been really late and Xiaojun was sitting in bed wearing his pajamas eating jellies and listening to Yangyang's concert F minor, but the sudden intrusion crumbled his skin.

"If you're tired I will leave," Yangyang opened the door further.

He was wearing his jacket, was holding the violin box in his hands, as he had been in the concert hall practicing with the orchestra all afternoon.

There was a huge concert planned in five months.

"It's fine," muttered Xiaojun trying to relax, to forget the conversation with doctor Johnny or the butterflies that have risen in his stomach at Yangyang's sight.

"Are you still mad?" Yangyang came in closing the door behind himself placing the violin on the desk carefully.

He hung the jacket up on Xiaojun's chair then walked towards him sitting down on the mattress so Xiaojun scooped from him.

"Please don't act like that, I hoped the medication and therapy will help," whispered Yangyang.

"They are," Xiaojun placed the jellies on the bedside table as he suddenly wasn't in the mood for eating.

"So why are you acting like that towards me?" Yangyang looked at him seriously.

"You know my condition."

"I know your condition and I also know how much you're struggling, but I have feelings too, ok."

Xiaojun looked at Yangyang stunned by his words, of course Yangyang had feelings but he hasn't thought about it so far too lost in his own world.

"It hurts me, ok," Yangyang's eyes were filled with regret.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry just freaking work harder."

"I'm working on it," whispered Xiaojun.

"So why are you acting like hurt because I have kissed your neck?"

Now Xiaojun's heart was beating loudly. Yangyang really had the courage to come here and speak about it so openly.

"You know I'm not into touch and... stuff... germs... and..." stuttered Xiaojun receiving an are you kidding me gaze from Yangyang.

"Stop babbling nonsense and kiss me," Yangyang jumped on the bed approaching putting one leg over him suddenly sitting down on his lap.

Xiaojun was so stunned he was just staying there frozen watching that close perspective of Yangyang's face.

"I'm not going to touch you, you have to take the initiative but I'm also not moving until you do something."

Xiaojun's heart began to pound so loudly he was afraid he will die here and now.

"What is this?" He asked barely able to catch proper breaths.

"Therapy," muttered Yangyang watching him with burning eyes.

Xiaojun gulped. He could push Yangyang off the bed or slap him, pass him a blue eye or something, but did he really want to?

His trembling palm reached towards Yangyang's face caressing over his soft cheek sending electricity into his system.

"I have done something," muttered Xiaojun moving his hand inches form Yangyang's face.

"Really? You call that something?" Yangyang raised his brow.

Xiaojun sighed looking down Yangyang's face over those beautifully shaped lips.

They have kissed for so many times already, yet... it was dangerous, it made him consider things he never wished to think about.

Xiaojun's body rigid from tension when he sat up nearing Yangyang's face brushing his lips over those delicious ones.

That butterfly peck caused reality to fade, the room was hanging above them upside down.

Do you know how many germs a human mouth has, and those lips had touched whoever knows whatever food today, whoever knows whoever had prepared, and they have kissed Bell, and definitely others...

Shut up, he shouted at that inner voice catching Yangyang's lips in his staying there, in their beautiful structure. His hands tangled around Yangyang's neck pulling him closer when his tongue searched for the boy's one licking over it deeply.

Yangyang was sitting still allowing him to kiss him however he liked, but a moment later his hands closed on Xiaojun's pajama shirt pulling on it when he answered the kiss and they fell back Yangyang pressing him to the pillow he had been leaning against.

The insane perfection of Yangyang's music merging into their kiss, which was long, open mouthed, fierce, both unable to stop when Xiaojun's lips moved down Yangyang's jaw to his neck sucking on his skin like Yangyang has done last night until the boy's moan filled the bedroom, but Xiaojun couldn't just stop diving deep into Yangyang's neck, squeezing his skin in his teeth definitely leaving some freaking bite marks.

What are you doing? Are you insane! Stop! Was yelling the voice in his head.

I want him so much, so so much, begged Xiaojun kissing up Yangyang's neck to find his lips and fill them with his tongue. Both were barely able to catch breaths messing each other's lips up so much. Xiaojun was kissing over Yangyang's cheeks his chin, nose tip, his closed eyelids, gluing his lips to his forehead then back to his lips, licking into his mouth as deeply as he could. Some stars were erupting in his head, until both pulled back panting loudly still holding each other caressing over each other's bodies.

"That's what I call boyfriend behavior," whispered Yangyang grinning shyly.

Xiaojun lowered his head but Yangyang lifted his chin pecking his lips a few times.

"You're hard like a stone," he muttered when Xiaojun's stomach made an abrupt flip as he could feel his own tension as well as Yangyang's equally hard one through the fabric of the duvet.

"You're too," whispered Xiaojun laughing.

"Will you kill me if I do something about that?"

Thank you so much for your feedback. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Yangyang's 'therapy' for Xiaojun? How will Xiaojun react to Yangyang's words?

Much <3

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