8. The player has his eyes on you

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"Dad... you can go alone if you like I'm staying." Said Xiaojun out loudly.

"What?" Jaemin's face seemed like slapped. "It's no time for joking."

"I'm not joking dad. I will not leave from this house, no matter what you do."

Xiaojun could see Kun's lips moving up in a light smile.

"You bastard!" Yelled Jaemin jumping forward, but Kun walked between them covering Xiaojun.

"I'd rather you to calm down, I can always call the police for you breaking into my house, but instead I'd like to offer you a warm supper and a guest room." Said Kun calmly.

Jaemin opened his mouth then closed it again.

"Go to your room and rest Xiaojun, I'll handle from here." Kun's eyes laid on him giving him a reassurance everything will be alright and an extreme warmth.

Why couldn't Kun be my father, he thought so suddenly, but instead to over analyze that new perspective he just ran out hurrying to his room hoping Kun will convince Jaemin to stay here and take care of his health and life.

3 months later

There were a lot of students leaving their mess in all corners of the corridor, causing Xiaojun's skin to tingle unpleasantly, yet no matter how severe his symptoms were he was still keeping the two last pills for a worse case.

It was almost the end of the break, so he hurried to the classroom taking a wet tissue out of his backpack cleaning the desk quickly.

"What are you doing?" Asked a boy.

Xiaojun only noticed deeply dark eyes, barely visible between a mess of long dark hair, that were observing him with great interest.

"I... spilled some juice, didn't want my books to be ruined." He smiled shyly.

"Yes, that's understandable, juice is nasty." The boy winked when Xiaojun ignored the awful pictures of spilled juice in his head.

"I'm Hendery, Yang's best friend. And you're definitely Dejun?"

"Actually my name is... yes I'm Dejun." Xiaojun sighed, why was Kun the only one calling him by his favorite name.

"You're Dejun or aren't you?" Hendery seemed amused when Xiaojun felt blushes storming to his face.

"I like when people are calling me Xiaojun, but it's fine, Dejun is my given name so..." He finished rubbing the rest clean.

Last month Kun has spoken to Yangyang's mother and she agreed to house him and his father under one condition, Xiaojun will attend school.

So it was the first time for him to be among other students and so many people his age.

"So Xiaojun, it's a pleasure to meet you." Hendery sent him a smile.

"Yes... um, nice to meet you t..." Xiaojun stopped talking seeing Yangyang falling into the classroom assisted by a very tall boy.

"Hi, you've met the boy my mum gives shelter to." Yangyang stopped at the desk, his gaze falling at the crumbled tissues in Xiaojun's hand so the boy ran to the trash bin to throw them away.

Even if Yangyang knew his secret, he strongly hoped he will keep it for himself.

"Xiaojun, of course the moment I entered I couldn't take my eyes off him." Hendery's remark made a cold shiver run down Xiaojun's back.

Yangyang just made a face as if he was biting at something sour.

"Yes, that's possible, he's the most weird person ever." Yangyang sighed.

"The most attractive you mean." Hendery grinned.

Yangyang's face became purple.

"He's flirting with everyone, don't rise your hopes up." He said sending Xiaojun a dark glance.

"Bitter much that I've got the boy before you?" Hendery chuckled.

"You can have him, I'm not interested." Yangyang turned from them when Xiaojun felt like slapped.

The freaking dirty desk stopped to bother him for a second.

"Anyway would you mind going out for coffee in the afternoon?" Asked Hendery.

"Um." Xiaojun was watching Yangyang's back unable to find an answer, but if his crush was really uninterested... "Ok, can go." He shrugged sitting down.

"Great. I'll pick you up, heard you're living in Yang's house."

Hendery's dark eyes were intimidating so Xiaojun looked away quickly.

Was that really the first date in his life?

"You know my best friend has kissed over twenty boys, each left his germs in his lips." Yangyang was leaning against his wardrobe when Xiaojun's hands trembled on the tie he was trying to compose with a shirt Kun has borrowed him as he had no nice clothes.

"You know I couldn't kiss anyone." Xiaojun was trying his best to stay calm.

"That's good, I wouldn't kiss a player like him if I were you." Yangyang was talking in a casual way totally unbothered.

Xiaojun was wondering why he has come here, definitely to make him extra mad, so he won't be in a mood for a date.

"Let me handle that, really." Yangyang laughed walking closer taking the strings of the tie Xiaojun had been struggling with so hopelessly, binding it in a skilled way.

Xiaojun's heartbeat raised so rapidly, the room so stuffy it became impossible to breath.

Yangyang's face was so close he could almost feel the boy's breath, some rough images of him pulling Yangyang closer by his hoodie and crushing over his lips like an avalanche waking up.
Yangyang wasn't looking at him though concentrating on the tie fully.

"Better now." He muttered stepping away casting a quick glance over Xiaojun. "I bet Hendery will be yeah... turned on seeing you like that. Anyway, have fun."

Yangyang suddenly turned around sprinting out of the room when Xiaojun was still frozen, his skin just goosebumps, as he has never ever been that close to another human.

Thank you so much for your support. What do you think about Xiaojun deciding to stay and oppose Jaemin? What about him meeting Hendery at school and his first date invitation? What will happen during the date?

Much <3

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