14. The equator of stupidity

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"But me and my girlfriend decided to help you in any possible way we can, we are now like your parents taking care of you, so please don't worry about it that much anymore."

So Winwin was sure it was because of his father, not Yangyang putting his tongue and other things in places he didn't even want to think of.

His chin trembled again some tears rolled down his cheeks against his will.

"Hey, Dejun boy, what is troubling you so much? He loves you, even if he plays hard to get cool and unbothered he really cares about you." Said Winwin when Xiaojun looked at him stunned.
"It's because of Yangyang not your father right?"

Xiaojun only lowered his head drying his tears off with his sleeve becoming totally embarrassed when Winwin's phone began to ring.

"Hey Yang... Denjun? He's here with me." Winwin raised his brow. "I'm in the cafe at the corner across of the house."

Winwin ended the call looking Xiaojun's way.

"He will be here in a moment."

"So I need to go now." Xiaojun reached for his suitcase but the cafe door slammed open.

Yangyang was out of bepreth when he fell inside. Xiaojun's heart skipped a bit, as how couldn't it at that sight of the boy in a fine blue hoodie with a mess of orange brown hair, with the violin box in his hand.

"What are you freaking thinking to scare me to death." Yelled Yangyang reaching their table.

"I was just moving out." Whispered Xiaojun facing the table top.

"Where, to the equator of stupidity!"

Xiaojun sighed, in different circumstances he would find it funny but not now.

"Yes I can even move there." He muttered.

"You're already there." Yangyang's face was extra sour.

Winwin on the other hand seemed really amused.

"Anyway Hendery is organizing a party this evening, we're going." Said Yangyang turning to Winwin.

"You know Hendery's parties are a bit... not teenage friendly." Muttered Winwin his smile falling.

"Have you been such a saint in high school? Should I remind you that you're sleeping with a woman who could be your mother." Hissed Yangyang.

Winwin frowned again sighing loudly.

"Just promise me you will take care of Dejun at the party."

Xiaojun was watching them stunned, hey he wasn't going anywhere and definitely not to that house in which Yangyang has been doing such things. Actually he was moving out to never ever see him again.

"I'm always taking care of him, don't worry." Assured Yangyang.

Winwin just nodded getting up leaving his half finished coffee.

"Ok so get ready I'll drop you two off, then pick you up in the morning."

Xiaojun was still sitting there frozen, should he just take his suitcase and run, but he knew exactly those two wouldn't allow him to escape far.

"Yang, stay for a sec." Winwin's voice stopped him.

They were in front of Hendery's house hearing the madness of the party going on behind closed doors.

Dejun had stopped in the middle of the driveway glancing up at the lit up windows, he seemed really pale and worried. Yangyang could curse Hendery for whatever he had said to Dejun during his rehearsal this afternoon.

"Just behave and take care of him." Winwin looked at him seriously so he just nodded.

Of course he will, who else could take care of Dejun, that big baby with his small problem.

The music was loud, some mad lights flashing behind the windows of another huge villa they had stopped in front, a scenery like in some movies.

The shivers on Xiaojun's body were unpleasant, his mind playing all type of scary images of Yangyang an that girl.

"Come." Yangyang who had stayed behind to speak to Winwin for a bit reached him.

They were walking inside in some distance, the heavy smells hitting Xiaojun the moment they entered, causing him to stop in the door abruptly.

"Come, it's fine." Yangyang took his arm pulling him inside.

They were squeezing between some people and it became dark in front of his eyes, so he just scooped towards Yangyang although he really hated the boy.

"Hi Yang, wanna have some fun like last time?" A tall girl in a very exposing dress covered their way, Xiaojun was sure some of her body parts were made by surgery.

She put her arms around Yangyang's neck pulling him closer pecking his lips when Xiaojun froze jumping from them.

"Bell I'm not interested." Yangyang took her hands off himself.

"What about that pretty boy?" Bell eyed Xiaojun up and down.

"He's my boyfriend so back off." Yangyang placed his arm around Xiaojun pulling him into the crowd away from her, Xiaojun's heart one mess, his eyes still hurt with that image form a second ago.

"Don't worry she's just... annoying." Yangyang sighed.

However, Xiaojun was standing there feeling so numb, he should have run earlier, go with Jaemin, freeze in that car.

"Don't bother." Yangyang leaned towards his ear. "I still like to kiss you more."

"I will never kiss you again." Said Xiaojun seriously.

"Why?" Yangyang raised his bow giving him that are you kidding me look. "Whatever nonsense Hendery has told you..."

"Who will win the prize in the drunken game today!" Yelled Hendery causing them to look towards a stage like place where a girl in a bikini was bent over a chair.

"We have the new boy here and you know what it means! Let's give him the ritual. Xiaojun come here." Hendery spilled some golden liquid into the girl's navel when Xiaojun felt he will indeed faint. "Drink her clean." Hendery was looking straight at him with some satisfaction when the whole crowd began to chant his name.

Thank you so much for your support. What do you think about the chapter and how the party had started? What will Xiaojun do?

Much <3

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