25. Falling from pieces

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Yangyang kissed the side of his neck delicately.

"You can't..." Xiaojun's heartbeat was uneven he needed to get rid of Yangyang quickly.

"Nothing naughty just like that," Yangyang began to move his hips over the duvet putting pressure on his hard one when it became completely dark in front of Xiaojun's eyes for a second.

"No, you, please..." he put his hands in between Yangyang's legs trying to stop him what was a huge mistake as he could now feel it all through Yangyang's jeans.

"If you're not ok with going any further I will leave and help myself," Yangyang's gaze became serious. "But if you allow us to try out one bit more..."

"What?" Gasped Xiaojun.

"Are you ok to try out one more thing?"

Xiaojun's body was reacting crazily at Yangyang's words lifting that damn duvet by the force of his bowner.

"If its too much just say stop and I'll stop anytime," Yangyang was still observing him so Xiaojun nodded unsure what's about to come.

"Close your eyes," whispered Yangyang.

"No, but you will not..." Xiaojun almost squealed.

"Give you a blow job? Nah, keep dreaming," he grinned so Xiaojun tried to relax closing his eyes feeling Yangyang lifting the duvet.

His lips pressed into Xiaojun's parting them to kiss him hard when Xiaojun felt the boy taking his hand guiding somewhere until he touched... damn, his body received an electric shock, but Yangyang was holding his hand in his grip moving it up and down while kissing him so deeply. Xiaojun was begging, moaning, begging again falling so strangely when Yangyang's other palm became significantly cool in his pajama pants, closing on him to pump in a steady rhythm. Way better than he could have ever touched himself especially as there were Yangyang's lips all over his face and neck his own hand moving in synch to Yangyang's, both riding so high there was just forgetting, just that painfully pleasant state above stars, climbing. The movement of their hands becoming faster and it was impossible to kiss anymore so they were moaning loudly, Yangyang's mouth almost grinding against his neck his teeth closing on his skin painfully when Xiaojun almost erupted arching his back against the bed.

He felt Yangyang is so close to coming into his hand and he was way too high to even freak out, falling through dreams and dreams.

Yangyang suddenly moved taking his hand off himself.

"Keep your eyes closed," he demanded so Xiaojun did feeling cold shivers.

There was something insanely soft touching the most intimate part of his body like a lullaby of feathers leaving a wet trace.

"What are you..."

"Damn! Keep your eyes closed!" Groaned Yangyang.

That beautiful softness returned filling him in so deeply he came without a warning groaning so loudly, squeezing the sheets into his fists but it was all for nothing reality was flying off leaving him breathless traveling through darkness. That soft warmth was nibbling on him insanely then in all faded leaving him empty.

"Wait! Wait! Don't open your eyes yet! Count to twenty then open your eyes I'll be right back," said Yangyang when Xiaojun was sitting there frozen trying to remember how to count.

The door banged shut and he opened his eyes to find Yangyang gone. He was still sitting there with his pajama pants pulled down, his gaze lingering on his most intimate parts to find no traces of the climax and he freaked out.

Has Yangyang? No it couldn't be... he couldn't have...

Have I touched his d*? Has he just... had mine in his mouth... no... no he couldn't have had... he didn't.

Xiaojun felt his whole body reacting with mad shivers so he moved up covering his intimate parts with the pajama pants reaching for the pill box. No it couldn't have happened. That's insane.

Xiaojun's hands were trembling so madly he had difficulties to reach his mouth with the pill then place it underneath his tongue.

The door banged, his heart skipped a bit when he turned around.

Yangyang's hair was dripping as if he had just taken a shower, he was wearing pajamas his gaze sharp.

"What have you done?" Asked Xiaojun.

"Showered," Yangyang grinned jumping on the bed wrapping his arms around him. "How are you feeling?"

"Have you..." Xiaojun found himself at the lack of words.

He couldn't just ask Yangyang if he had what, sucked his d*, Yangyang would definitely think he's damn delusional.

"What?" Asked Yangyang with an innocent face. "I haven't heard a single stop to anything I had been doing."

Xiaojun blushed terribly lowering his head.

"I'd eat you for breakfast if I could, you're so delicious," muttered Yangyang biting the skin on his neck playfully.

"Are we really..."

"Boyfriends, yes we're boyfriends," Yangyang grinned letting him go falling on the mattress.

"What are you doing?" Asked Xiaojun.

"You will regret later, now come and cuddle," Yangyang stretched his hand out his him so Xiaojun slipped under the duvet feeling Yangyang wrapping his arms and legs around him.
It felt so nice, so comfortable. Xiaojun knew the nightmares will come, even heavier than before but right now he was ok, he was just safe in Yangyang's arms.

Thank you so much for your love. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Yangyang's actions? Will Xiaojun be ok with this later?

Much <3

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