9. First date

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Hendery was wearing a leather jacket over a loosely buttoned up shirt, his dark curls falling into his face in a nice cascade, Xiaojun needed to admit he looked handsome, not in a fraction as stunning as Yangyang though. The way Yangyang's half closed eyelids were just poetry when he was binding the tie. Xiaojun was still all messed up, reaching to his pocket to feel the medication box. It was still there just in case, the last two pills. He should actually be honest towards Yangyang's mum or Kun, tell them he needed to visit doctor Seo for the prescription, but he has always been ashamed to speak about his illness. Only Kun, Jaemin, and Yangyang knew.

Hopefully Hendery won't find out, it would ruin the date, thought Xiaojun desperately walking towards the boy keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Wow, you look amazing." Hendery eyed him up and down with excitement. "I've bought the thickets and popcorn we can go inside."

"Thank you but I'm... um allergic to corn." Xiaojun's cheeks turned red, he really hoped it was a reasonable enough explanation for him not eating the popcorn as yes, the people have touched the paper box, and who knows when they have cleaned that popcorn shuffle for the last time, also Hendery's fingers were in both boxes when he was trying to handle holding the food, drinks and tickets.

"Oh... didn't know." Hendery's smile became a bit nervous. "If you want I can buy nachos or, whatever you like."

"Thank you I'm fine." Xiaojun smiled awkwardly hoping the film will start soon.

"Ok, let's go then."

They walked to the big cinema room finding their spots when Xiaojun felt unpleasant goosebumps on his skin seeing some popcorn spilled on the floor.

Ignore, just ignore, he was begging himself. Don't act strangely.

He sat down trying his best to not to touch anything fighting with that numbness.

The lights went down, some advertisements started playing, Hendery was eating the popcorn when Xiaojun was breathing in and out feeling it might be too much for him to handle. Why did he agree on that date? To make Yangyang jealous? Would Yangyang even care, probably not? What was he doing now?

Didn't he have a prelude composed specially for him by a huge name in the music industry to practice?

Yangyang's music, right! Xiaojun suddenly searched his pockets for the phone and earphones, plugging them in finding his favorite concerted H-mol by Liu Yangyang and the Vienna Orchestra, pressing play, strongly hoping Hendery won't notice when the soft tone of ruffling strings, for a guitar like beat, filled the space, almost getting lost in the noises of the imaginary worlds crushing on the huge screen, but Xiaojun knew it by heart.

It was like a cooling on wounds, a serenade, a lullaby his mother has never sang. How did she look like? His mother?

Was she even alive or has she ever been alive, he sometimes doubted it. Wasn't he just a cosmic joke entirely produced by Jaemin.

A sticky hand landed on his palm causing him to jump up.

"What are you doing?" Asked Hendery buffed.

"Restroom." Whispered Xiaojun sprinting down the stairs, finding his way in the darkness.

He hesitated from touching the door handle, but fortunately a cinema worker hurried to open it for him so he was free in the spacious lit up hall taking in loud breaths. What was Hendery thinking, touching his hand? Hasn't he considered he was just... different.

"Xiaojun!" Hendery's voice sounded right behind him.

Why out of all people only Kun and Hendery decided to call him how he wished to be named, while Yangyang...

"I'm sorry. I just..."

"You didn't like the movie, right?" Asked Hendery with some hope.

"Yes." Xiaojun wasn't looking at the boy.

"No problem. I took my stuff, we can go for a walk."

"Ok." Xiaojun nodded.

Some workers were looking at the strangely when he just followed Hendery outside into the cloudy starless night.

They were walking in some distance both rather quiet.

"Sorry, I should have gotten to know you better before, but you don't like action movies and are allergic to corn, noted." Hendery sent him a warm smile. "So what do you like?"

"Um..." Was all Xiaojun could press out.

"Really I want to know to make the next date better." Hendery covered his way so Xiaojun stopped abruptly.

"I... like... Yangyang's music." He stuttered as really, it was definitely the only thing he really liked.

Liked, damn it was salvation, like tonight. That concert was still on play as he had forgotten to take off the earphones, Yangyang's music like a part of him by now.

Hendery frowned rubbing over his curls nervously.

"I'm way more handsome than Yangyang and a way better kisser promise." He chuckled.

"What?" Asked Xiaojun buffed.

"You'll find out."

He suddenly leaned in towards his face, their nose tips colliding when Xiaojun jumped back covering his mouth with his hands.

"What?" Asked Hendery but Xiaojun just ran, ran like if his life depended on it as it damn depended on it.

Thank you so much for your love. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Xiaodery's date and Hendery's attempt to kiss Xiaojun?

Much <3

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