11. Warm palms

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Winwin was looking at them strangely during breakfast so Xiaojun decided to eat quickly.
He had dressed up in a really oversized hoodie today, as if he wished to hide. It was strange, the way his stomach made a summersault at Yangyang's sight this morning, the way he wasn't thinking about anything of whoever, whatever, however... however to kiss Yangyang again.

Xiaojun caught himself staring hopelessly at the boy who was pretending nothing has happened last night chatting cheerfully, telling his mother about a producer from LA who wanted to shoot an MV of him playing violin.

"Dejun honey, are you ok, you're looking a bit off today?" Asked Yangyang's mother cutting his thoughts.

"What? No... I'm fine." He assured when Winwin started to cough into a napkin meaningfully.

"What about you?" Asked Yangyang's mother glancing at her boyfriend.

"Something stuck in my throat." Muttered Winwin.

Yangyang just rolled his eyes, but the doorbell rang.

"I'll open." Xiaojun jumped up hurrying though the huge dining room and hall to the door.

He wanted to be far away from them and that situation. The bell was ringing as if someone really impatient had claimed it so Xiaojun passed the main butler then pressed the door knob opening it to freeze in horror. There was Jaemin standing on the doormat, his face grayish and unhealthy, the coat he was always wearing had some new holes.

Xiaojun felt as if all air just left his lungs. Was that doorknob ok to touch, he started to rub his hand against his jeans nervously.

"Hi. I'm out of the clinic." Said Jaemin. "Kun told me you're housing here."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Said Xiaojun taking two steps back.

"Right! He's staying here so back off!" Yangyang suddenly ran into the hall stopping between Xiaojun and Jaemin with a stubborn expression and his fists closed.

It caused some mad butterflies to rise, did Yangyang really want to keep him here, to kiss him like last night?

"Who is it?" Yangyang's mother came to the hall.

"My father." Hissed Xiaojun. "I'm going to school now." He added running for his backpack.

"Dejun it's better if you stop bothering random people with your presence!" Jaemin raised his voice. "Beautiful Lady thank you so much for taking care of my reckless son. Was he a big problem?" Jaemin started to speak to Yangyang's mother when Xiaojun wished to scream.

"You are the problem." Said Yangyang dryly. "Putting Dejun in danger and constant fear, trying to steal my violin, getting hurt by some hoes when you knew exactly how much your son needs you to be a responsible parent and to take care of him, but fortunately he has found better people who will be a real family for him, so he's better off without you." Said Yangyang almost on one breath.

"You little boy will not offend me. Who do you think you are!" Jaemin stepped towards Yangyang.

"That's enough." Winwin's low voice caused everyone to turn his way. "Honey take the boys to school I'll talk with the man." Winwin was looking at Jaemin seriously.

"Is he your father? Could be your older brother." Jaemin looked at Yangyang ironically.

Yangyang's face became red, he ran towards Xiaojun grabbing him by the wrist pulling to the garage.

Xiaojun's heartbeat becoming one mess as there was his father insulting the family of the boy who was his everything and he wished to dissolve into thin air from shame, but there was also Yangyang's warm hand tangled around his palm, what after last night couldn't just leave him in any other state than pure longing.

They reached the garage stopping at one of the cars, Xiaojun's heartbeat so loud Yangyang could definitely hear it, because how could he not.

They were quiet, standing so closely Xiaojun was drawn in by that scent that since last night had been significant all over him, as if imprinted into his skin, like that tast, as that morning each food, each drink tasted like Yangyang's lips.

They're eyes met briefly causing an avalanche, Xiaojun just wished to pull Yangyang closer, kiss endlessly, forget there was a Jaemin, an outer world, another boy who wanted to date him, Yangyang's split family and his mum's new lover who for the very first time had gained Xiaojun's respect with that act.

"Boys let's go, you will be late for school." Yangyang's mum came into the garage, she was tense.

She hasn't noticed them holding hands or was she ok with it, wondered Xiaojun when Yangyang let go off him both getting into the car.

Will Winwin beat up Jaemin, call the police? No his father has just been through a lot, he didn't need more problems.

"Please don't call the police on my father. I don't want him in jail." Said Xiaojun.

"Dejun honey, don't worry, we will come up with the best solution to help your father." Assured Yangyang's mum so Xiaojun breathed in again.

He caught Yangyang's stare on him. Was Yangyang interested or was he just pitting him? Would you kiss someone out of pity?

To show him he can do it despite all his problems, as germs were nothing compared to a force so strong. People who will be a real family for him, Yangyang's words became so vivid, was he treating him like a brother, but then again you wouldn't kiss your brother, definitely not like that.

Xiaojun felt he will go insane, his hands began to tremble when he was suddenly drawn towards some  brown mud stains on the window. They were highly disturbing, so disturbing he began to untie his backpack to find a disinfectant and a pack of tissues.

"Mom can we stop next to that convenience, I have forgotten to take water and the sandwiches." Said Yangyang abruptly so Mrs Liu slammed the breaks finding an empty spot along the pavement.

"Will be right back." Yangyang jumped out of the car when Xiaojun crumbled a tissue in his fist.

"Dejun honey do you need anything?" Mrs Liu turned to him.

"No, I'm fine." He stuttered.

"Back." Yangyang jumped on the backseat as he had been sitting up front until now, he tied the safety belt sending his mother a precious smile.

Xiaojun was opening his fist then closing it again, his attention fixing from Yangyang to those mud stains. They were bothering him so much. His trembling hands found a way to spill a bit of the disinfectant on the tissue when he reached towards the window but a warm hand took his palms pressing them to his lap.

Xiaojun let out a long sigh looking up to meet Yangyang's reassuring gaze.

He just wished to cuddle into Yangyang and forget the world, forget his illness, hide from it all in that only safe harbor he has ever found.

"It's so pretty Yangyang how you are taking care of Dejun." Mrs Liu looked at them through the mirror.

"The boy needs it." Yangyang shrugged.

He was playing it cool as always, yet his palm stayed where it has been caressing over Xiaojun's hands the whole way to school so Xiaojun just focused on the image of their intertwined fingers.

He was playing it cool as always, yet his palm stayed where it has been caressing over Xiaojun's hands the whole way to school so Xiaojun just focused on the image of their intertwined fingers

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Thank you so much for your feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jaemin coming to Yangyang's house? What about Yangyang's actions? Is he into Xiaojun?
Much <3

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