Chapter 2

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Hinata's POV: Same night as the ball

"Hinata, please come with me." I gulped, setting down what I was cleaning and followed Daichi back to the servant's quarters. He sighed gently, adjusting the bowtie around my neck.

"Are you alright?"


"Did you make sure that the prince had clean clothes to change into earlier?"


"Did the prince need anything else?"



"Wait, you're not gonna yell at me?"

"Why would I?"

"Well, because, I mean, I spilled wine all over the prince!"

"It was an accident. Besides, you're young and still learning. And no one was hurt." Daichi said with a smile. I let out a breath of relief. Daichi chuckling and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hinata. Suga and I both started when we were about your age. And Suga made quite a bad mistake, which I won't share to spare his embarrassment."


"Yes. But, the head butler at the time was very kind and understood that he was just a kid. And now Suga is doing very very well."

"Wow, who was the head butler before you??"

"His name was Ukai. He and another, named Takeda, quit a couple years ago. They were wonderful, but they decided it was time for them to find another job, move away, and be married." Daichi explained with a smile. I nodded curiously as Daichi patted my back and had me follow him back to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. 

Mini Time Skip

Gee, I was beat. But at least everything was all cleaned up now. Now the I guess, 'night shift', people were taking care of things. I yawned, making my way up to the servant's quarters when I again ran into someone.

"Ah! Sorry." I apologized, feeling slightly better to see it was another servant. Though... not a very nice one..

"Watch it."

"..Sorry, I-"

"Newbie. Why are you even-" He started, when another servant ran over and grabbed the taller one's arm.

"Stop it.. Sorry about him. Come on Tsukki." The smaller one said, dragging the blonde away. I watched them go before making it to my destination. Suga smiled faintly at me, helping me get this stupid bowtie off when he saw me struggling with it.

"So, how are you feeling Hinata?"


"Heh, you'll grow used to the work."

"Hey, who was the angry blonde I ran into?"



"That's Tsukishima. Don't worry, he works at night."

"Who else works at night?"

"Well, if you aren't to tired, I can introduce you to our night staff?" Suga offered. I thought for a moment, really tired, but the curiosity got the better of me. I accepted Suga's offer and followed him back out into the hallways. Staying behind him as we walked.

"Hey, Asahi!"

"Hm?" A tall. Very tall.. man turned, looking at us. 

"This is Hinata."

"Oh, you just began today, yes? Nice to meet you." Asahi said with a gentle smile. I smiled shyly, reaching out to shake his hand when someone's hands were placed on my shoulders. I startled, looking to see another man, though he was about my height.

"Hey what about me, gonna introduce me Suga?" He said, Suga smiling and rolling his eyes.

"Hinata, this is Nishinoya. But we just call him Noya." Suga said, Noya letting go of my shoulders and standing next to Asahi. Their height difference would make me laugh, except for the fact I was the same height as Noya. Or at least close. I smiled, greeting them both. At least they were friendly. Suga and I left them to work while we went to find the others.

After a bit of walking, we came across Tsukishima again. And the other boy who probably saved me from being scolded.

"Yamaguchi, Tsukishima. Do you have a moment?"

"Uh huh! Oh! Hi, sorry about Tsukki's behavior earlier." Yamaguchi said, nudging Tsukishima's side. Tsukishima sighed, mumbling an apology before turning around and resuming his work. Yamaguchi laughing slightly.

"Heh.. he's just tired. So, how was your first day?"

"It was okay. Getting used to things around here." I said with a laugh. Yamaguchi nodding in understanding. Suga thanked them for some of their time before walking with me back to our rooms. I told Suga a goodnight, and thanked him for showing me around today before heading to bed, exhausted.

Kageyama's POV

"Son, what're you doing out here?" I looked over and up at my father. I sighed, going back to looking at the fountain in the garden.

"Did you not have fun tonight?"


"You saw no one who caught your interest?"

"No." I said, my dad sighing. He sat on the little bench with me, looking up.

"Dad, what if I don't find someone in a year?"

"Then your mother and I will help." 

"I think I'm capable of finding love myself."

"What was that?"

"..Nothing. But why so soon?"

"Because it is important you marry soon. Your mother and I can't be the king and queen forever. You've nearly completed all of your lessons. And by the end of the year, and by the time you are married, it will be time for you to take your place as the next king." I rolled my eyes, having heard this talk a million times. I get it, it's all important and stuff, but why couldn't I just marry someone when I was ready. Surely I'd be able to do that even after being king.

My dad got up, telling me to go inside for bed soon. He left quietly while I stayed right where I was. A few petals from the tree above the fountain fell into the water, causing a ripple. I watched the rippled quietly, and after a few minutes, all I was looking at was my own reflection. 

Was I really ready to be king in a few years? Like my dad said, I've completed nearly all of my lessons. But, I didn't feel prepared in the slightest. If I mess up, it could destroy our town. There are people to take care of and to keep fed. I couldn't afford to mess up. Like if I messed up, I could starve an entire village. Other people didn't have to worry about that. Like that guy earlier today, Hinata. What's he got to worry about if he messed up? Nothing. At least, I think so.. I knew everyone else here, except for him. Maybe I should get to know him, too.

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