Chapter 24

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Hinata's POV
I yawned, opening my eyes slightly when there was light shining in them. I whined slightly, wondering what was going on and why I was moving. Oh yeah. The prince for some reason was dragging me along to, wherever he was going.

"Waking up?" The prince said over his shoulder.

"I don't want too... but yeah." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. The stupid sunlight trying to blind me from it being so bright in the morning. The prince sighed, reaching his hand up and unbuttoning his cloak and carefully pulling it off. He twisted a bit and handed it to me.

"Here. Put this over your head then and go back to sleep." He said before going back to looking forward. I slowly took the cloak, looking up at him curiously before just putting the cloak over my head. Whatever material his cloak was made of, I need myself a curtain made of it.. It wasn't long before I dozed back off.

Mini time skip
"Hey, Hinata."


"Wake up, we're gonna stop a moment for Jean to rest and get food." The prince said as he carefully lifted the edge of his cloak, letting a little bit of light in. I yawned and poked my head out, giving him the cloak back before sliding off the horse. The prince gave me a bit of food he had packed while he took care of his horse.

I sat quietly, nibbling the food while watching the prince. Wonder why have gave me the cloak to use to cover the light. I mean, it was really nice of him, but I still couldn't help but think he was just some royal, over privileged jerk. Maybe he was just trying to be nice or thought I'd be annoying if I was tired and whining. After I finished eating, I got up and stretched as the prince yawned and sat down on a rock and drank some water. I slowly wandered over to him and cleared my throat.

"Uh. Thanks for letting me use your cloak earlier."

"You're welcome."

"So. Why exactly are we out here? I mean, isn't this kinda against the rules?"

"Uh... we're, looking for the princess."

"Oh, aren't the guards doing that? Like the guards from her kingdom??"

"Well, yeah, but.. she's supposed to be my fiancé, so, I'm looking for her too."

"Huh, alright. So why am I here."

"I told you. I'd need an escort and the guards are too bossy."

"...okay.. well, if we find the princess, you better treat her better than you did me." I said, the prince glancing away with a sigh. I reallyyyyy probably shouldn't be talking to royalty like that, since I could get fired, but he deserved it.

Kageyama's POV
I sighed, looking away from Hinata. I still feel terrible for what I told him that one night, but I also explained to him I had to say it. But who knows what Hinata believed or was thinking anymore. That's why I will find the stupid guy who messed with his head if it kills me.

"Hey Hinata. What do you think of me?"

"Haven't you asked me this before."

"Yes. But I want to know what you think now."

"Well, I don't think I should say."


"Because I'm not trying to get fired or arrested." He said boredly. I clenched my fists, knowing that meant he definitely didn't think kindly of me anymore..

"...Alright. Fine. Come on then, we should keep going." I said quietly, getting up and mounting Jean. Hinata climbing on behind as I nudged Jean forward. We continued onward until it got dark and kind of cold. I could feel Hinata starting to shiver a bit, so I decided we'd stop for the night so we could set up a campfire or something.

It didn't take Hinata long to fall asleep again. I watched him quietly, wishing I could cuddle with him tonight but I knew he wouldn't take well to that right now. I was worried. What if I never found this guy and would never be able to reverse whatever the heck he did. Would I just have to learn to live with Hinata hating me forever..? Would I have to suck it up and find someone else to marry... I didn't want to marry anyone else, I don't think I could even see myself with anyone else but Hinata. At least not being happy with anyone else.

That wasn't the only thing I was worried about. I was still scared to become king. There were just so many ways I could screw it up. And, Hinata's tried to reassure me before that I'd be a good king.. but without him by my side, I don't think it's possible. Without realizing, I felt some tears fall on my cheeks. Agh, princes and kings weren't supposed to cry. Why was I like this.

I quickly dried my eyes and laid down, using my arms as a pillow. I had given Hinata my cloak to use as a blanket, so I was a bit cold. But it wasn't so bad with a fire still going. Doing my best to ignore everything around me, I rolled onto my back and stared up at the sky. I wonder what my grandpa would do if he were in my situation. He always seemed to know what to do. He was always calm, and kind, and smart. I wanted to be like him, but I knew I could never amount to something so great.

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