Chapter 31

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Hinata's POV

"Hey Kenma???"


"What're we doing here? This isn't a city...?" I asked, feeling a bit worried. Kenma watched as Kuroo and a few others were walking about and setting an anchor down. They weren't planning on just shoving Kageyama and I on this random island, are they-!

"Don't worry Hinata. This isn't your final stop. Kuroo said that this place was on the way to the next city, and he wanted to come here first. He said he thinks there could be buried gold." Kenma explained. I let out a breath of relief, Kenma smiling faintly at me.

"Would you like to join us?"

"Ah, no thank you! Is it alright if Kageyama and I stay here?"

"Of course." I smiled, thanking Kenma as he, Kuroo, and a few others scaled down the ladder on the side of the ship and onto the shore of the island. I ran off and found Kageyama taking care of Jean.

"Kenma said that Kuroo and the others are just gonna explore the island thingy and then we'll keep heading to the next city!"

"Oh, good. Here, want to help?" Kageyama asked, handing me one of the brushes from Jean's saddlebag. I smiled and took the brush, quietly working before looking around curiously. Not all of the pirates had left, probably to make sure nothing happened to the ship. And because, well, Kageyama and I were strangers on the ship.



"Have you ever known any pirates before Kuroo???"

"I don't think so. Because my father's kingdom does not have a direct access to any oceans or seas, we never really got any of that type of activity. All our trades were usually in caravans."

"Do you think all pirates are actually kinda nice like Kuroo and Kenma??" I asked curiously, since all the stories and tales about pirates made them sound so scary. Kageyama shrugged when two of the pirates on deck walked over while laughing.

"Nah, you're lucky our captain didn't feed you guys to sharks."

"Yeah, your hair would surely attract something big." One of them said. I looked at Kageyama who scowled at them. The two smiling at us.

"I'm Lev."

"I'm Yaku." They said, Kageyama just grumbling something before resuming grooming Jean. Lev walked over and leaned down, using my head as an arm rest.

"You know who's realllllly dangerous?" Lev asked with a smirk. I gulped, looking up at him. Or at least as much as I could with his arm on my head.


"Them stupid mermaids and mermen."

"Huh?? I thought they were supposed to be n-"

"Nice? Yeah right. All them stories people write down are fake. None of them have had to deal with any of them real fish people."

"Why? What have they done?? Or, what do they do that makes them so mean?"

"Well for one, they always are trying to sink our ships. Two, they must be drowning anyone who falls overboard in their attacks. We never do find 'em." Lev said, standing back up straight and walking back over to Yaku. I gulped and moved over to Kageyama. Kageyama looking down at me before telling Lev and Yaku to go away. 

Yaku shrugged and said that they were just warning us before turning around and wandering off to go do something else. 

"K-Kageyama.. you don't think we'll run into any of the mermaids or something while we're sailing, do you???"

"I don't know, but don't worry. If you fall overboard, I'll come find you." Kageyama said with a small smile. I let out a tiny huff, hanging onto him quietly while he patted my head and continued grooming Jean. 

Mini Time Skip: Kageyama's POV

Finally, Kuroo and his crew were back. Hinata ran over to Kenma with a smile and started asking questions about their little adventure. I smiled faintly and watched him blab on and on as the ship started moving again. After all of my cute boyfriend's questions were answered, he returned to my side and looked over the horizon. 

Hinata decided he wanted to see in the water, so he was leaning over the side of the ship a bit to look down. I grabbed his waist and was holding him firmly so the little idiot wouldn't fall over.

"Hey Kageyama, look!" He said, pointing in the water. I kept a hold of him, but looking over his shoulder into the water. I squinted, seeing something swimming along side the ship. What kinda creature was that? I yanked Hinata away from the edges of the ship and wandered over to Lev.

"Hey. There's something in the water."

"There's a lotta things in the water."

"No I mean an animal, or, something." I said, Lev walking over to where Hinata and I were. He leaned over the edge and groaned.

"Nope. Not an animal." He grumbled, pulling himself away and walking into the captains quarters. Kuroo soon walking over and looking down in the water. He groaned as well and told someone to get a net. Hinata and I watched in curiosity as several of the pirates walked over to the edge of the ship. They all tossed the net into the water, using all their strength to haul up their catch.

Hinata's eyes went wide when he saw the men haul a merman onto the deck. Wow, so they do exist. Most people believed that mermaids and mermen were creatures of legends, or at least extinct. The merman flailed slightly as Kuroo chuckled and kneeled down by him.

"You guys are pretty hard to catch. So. How many of ya are there? Huh? Trying to ruin ANOTHER one of my ships?" Kuroo asked, the merman scowling and staying quiet. I watched as Kuroo stood up and said to leave him, claiming he'd dry out and die. The rest of the crew scattered to resume their tasks, Hinata looking up at me.

"...Don't you think about it Hinata."


"You heard what Yaku and Lev told us about them."



"He's in a net! Besides, maybe he isn't actually bad! We can't just let him die if he wasn't planning on doing anything??? Or even if he was, maybe he'll reconsider??" Hinata begged. I sighed, rolling my eyes and letting go of my boyfriend. He smiled and ran over to the netted merman who glared at the two of us as we walked over. Hinata sat on the deck a few feet from the merman with a smile. I joined him, Hinata introducing both of us to the angry looking merman. Let's see what he says.

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