Chapter 36

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Akaashi's POV

"Grant asleep?"


"Hey Akaaasshhhiii."


"I think we should take a trip up to the surface again soon."



"You and I know why." I said, my husband pouting as I swam over to the door when there was a knock. I saw Hinata and Kageyama smiled politely at the two.

"Hello again. Did you both enjoy-" I paused, seeing one of the little guppies has decided to nestle in Hinata's hair. I tried to avoid laughing and continue my conversation.

"Ahem... Did you both enjoy yourselves reading..?"

"We did, thank you. Um, we were wondering about a few things that weren't in any of the books?"

"Of course, come in." I said, allowing the two inside. Bokuto smiled and joined us as we all made ourselves comfortable.

"What were you two curious about?" I asked, Kageyama clearing his throat.

"Well, is it true that there's a trident that picks the next ruler??"

"Yes. We do not pass down the royal duties to our families automatically like you do. For example, I have a son. But there is no guarantee that he will claim the throne next."

"Wow.. Um, would you let us, see this trident??" Kageyama asked. I glanced away hesitantly. It was a sacred item among our people. Of course I was allowed to show them if I wanted, but could I truly trust them? They may have saved me, but there are some humans who will do anything to get their hands on the trident. Oh, I know a way to see if they are trust worthy.

"Perhaps I will. But you both must come with me first." I said, giving Bokuto a kiss goodbye before leading the two boys out and a bit away from the city. I led them both to an underwater cavern that only a few chosen ones knew about. Inside the cavern, there was an air pocket. We all swam up to the surface of the pocket, the two boys looking around curiously.

"What're we doing here?" Hinata asked as I moved aside some kelp. I picked up what I was looking for and turned, asking only one of them to approach me. Kageyama came over first. I reassured both boys that this would be painless, it was just a way for me to make sure they were safe. Kageyama stayed still as I dipped my finger into the hallowed-out shell and collected some of the dust on my fingers. I then carefully put the dust, which turned more to a 'mud' when combined with water, on Kageyama's cheek. Doing the same to Hinata before placing the shell back and waiting quietly.

"So. What does that do??" Hinata asked, stopping and gasping when he saw the spot on his boyfriend's cheek glow. I smiled faintly as the markings both glowed, rather brightly, on both boys. It glowed much brighter than normal.

"It is a special mix that when applied to a human will tell me if they are pure of heart or not." I explained, leading both boys with me back deep into the water. On our way to see the trident Kageyama asked about, Kageyama shyly asked me something.

"So... Akaashi, can I ask you something that might sound stupid?"

"Of course."

"How... how do you guys, you know. Reproduce...???"

"Are you aware of how regular fish reproduce?"


"We do it the same way. Though we choose our partners instead of simply letting anyone come together."

"So like, do you guys just... do that anywhere??"

"No. We have a sacred ground where couples go to do it. The mermaids get to pick the spot they like the best to put their eggs, and then their chosen mate with fertilize them for her." I said, both boys looking embarrassed. I chuckled at their expressions and kept swimming.

"So, how did you and Bokuto have your son???" Hinata asked as he looked over at me.

"My husband and I found him. He is human, like you two."

"Woahh, he is?"

"Yes. Bokuto and I sometimes visit the human world, and as we surfaced, we found Grant. He was hanging onto a piece of driftwood and was nearly unconscious. And a group of sirens were beginning to surround him."

"Oh Akaashi??? Why aren't you friends with the sirens anymore?"

"Because they are not like you or I. They are not civilized in any way. Perhaps they are the ones all these humans and pirates should be blaming for the sinking of their ships."

"What happened?"

"There was a war between Sirens and Mer-folk years ago. Long before I was born. It was during my great, great grandfather's era." I said, Hinata looking saddened by this. His boyfriend patted his shoulder as we swam the rest of the way in silence. We reached yet another underwater cavern where the trident was hidden. Hinata and Kageyama stopping when they saw what was guarding the cavern entrance.

"There is nothing to be afraid of you two. She is harmless. Of course unless provoked or protecting the trident." I said, swimming right up to what humans have named the Loch Ness Monster. I smiled faintly, resting my hand on her snout as the two boys slowly inched closer.

"S-so. She isn't gonna like... eat us?"

"No, she won't. But please still be careful." I warned, Hinata whimpering and grabbing onto Kageyama. I smiled faintly and shook my head as we swam past the beautiful creature and deep into the cavern. Laid out on a pedestal was the heart of my people's kingdom. Hinata awed at it as Kageyama swam closer to get a better look.

"Neither of you touch it." I said, watching them quietly to make sure they didn't try to steal it or break it. Once they were thoroughly done looking, we all turned to leave the cavern when our Loch Ness Monster flipped her tail and let out a loud grumble that shook the cavern walls.

"W-what's going on!" Hinata said with fear.

"We have some unwelcome guests."

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