Chapter 27

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Oikawa's POV
"It was very kind of your parents to pay for those two boys to stay at that inn for a while." Iwa-chan said as we walked into my room. Well, our room. He sighed and sat down on the bed, tossing aside the little leather satchel from around his waist. I grinned and climbed onto the bed, crawling up to him and settling in his lap. Iwa-chan looked at me as I placed my hands on his chest, leaning forward and kissing him deeply.

"Mm.. Oikawa..?"

"Uh huhhhh?"

"Aren't you tired from the trip."

"Noooo~" I said, giving him another kiss. My fiancé chuckled slightly but sighed. Mm. I could tell he was tired though. I gave up, giving him another little kiss before just snuggling him. Iwa-chan wrapping his arms around me.

"Weren't you in the mood baby?"

"Yes, but aren't you tired?"

"Yes, but there are ways we can enjoy ourselves if you have energy." My fiancé said with a smirk. I felt my face go red as I bit my bottom lip. Well. I couldn't deny he was correct.

Kunimi's POV
"Kunimi, what're you doing awake."

"Huh? Oh, Iwaizumi asked me to wash these bedsheets and get him new ones." I said with a smile, my friend scrunching his nose.

"Uh. You know why you're washing those right."

"Kindaichi, you don't have to remind me. Why do you think I'm wearing gloves?" I said, Kindaichi smiling faintly and rolling his eyes. He helped me wash the sheets, of course after retrieving a pair of gloves himself. After I delivered the fresh sheets to Iwaizumi and the prince, Kindaichi and I walked together to head to bed.

"Hey, Kunimi?"


"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" I blushed, turning my head with a huff. Kindaichi and I were only friends, we have been since we were little, butttt we have 'messed around' as we got older.

"W-well, depends on what we'd be doing."

"Whatever you'd like." He said, making me blush more. I kept my eyes away from him but nodded slightly. He smiled as I followed him quietly to his room, letting him pull me down onto the bed with him after he shut the door and room fell dark. Our lips quickly found each other's, a tiny noise escaping me as we kissed.



"Can.. can we just sleep...?" I asked quietly, Kindaichi pulling away slightly and nodding.

"If that's what you'd like."

"...You aren't like, upset are you?"

"Of course not, I invited you in here to do whatever you'd like. And if all you want to do is sleep, then we'll do that." He said. Even though it was dark, I could tell he was smiling at me. I giggled shyly and nodded, letting him cuddle me until we fell asleep.

Kindaichi's POV
"Kindaichi, there you are."

"Is there something you needed your highness?"

"Yeah, could you take this to the nearby inn and deliver it to two guys named Hinata and Tobio."

"Yes, your highness." I said with a small bow, the prince thanking me and walking off after handing me a bag. I sighed and turned to head out. Kunimi rushing over when he saw me.

"Hey, what're you doing??"

"The prince asked me to take this to someone at the inn."

"The inn??"

"Mhm. I'm not sure who it is either, but, it's my job to do so."

"Can I come?"

"Well, you know I'd let you. But do you not have any work to do here??"

"Yahaba said that after I finished polishing the silverware I wouldn't be needed until after lunch."

"So, are you done?"

"Just finished!" He said with a smile. I sighed and smiled faintly, letting him follow me out of the gates. It was a short walk to the village and to the inn. I requested the room that the name of the two boys were in. After a bit of searching, we found the room and I knocked.


"Hello, are you Tobio?"


"These are provisions from the prince." I said, extending the bag to the black-haired boy. He quietly thanked me and handed the bag to another boy who had bright orange hair. Kunimi and I gave him polite bows before leaving the boys alone. During the walk back, Kunimi looked up at the sky.

"Hey Kindaichi?"


"Did that guy look familiar to you."

"Which one."

"The taller one."

"Not really."

"I swear I've seen him before. In like. A paper before though." He said curiously. I chuckled faintly and shrugged, saying maybe it was just someone who looked like him. Kunimi smiled and shrugged as we kept walking. Somewhere along our trip back, we were holding hands.

Kageyama's POV
"So, what's in the bag?"

"Looks like some food and money." Hinata said, sitting on the bed and rummaging around in what was delivered. I sat down with him, sighing as he leaned against my side.

"Kageyama.. what are we gonna do??"

"I don't know. We can't stay at this inn forever. And this place isn't that far from my father's kingdom. They'd surely find us eventually.."

"What should we do then?"

"Well.. there's a little money in here. And, there is a port here."

"You think we should like, sail away!??"

"We have enough for a voyage."

"What about you. I mean. Don't you wanna be the next king?? What are your parents gonna do, aren't you their only heir?"

"You know they both aren't like, ancient. They can have another kid easily." I said, Hinata nodding slightly with a shrug. It was true, I wanted to be the next king, but I didn't care about that one bit if it meant Hinata getting executed or tossed in a dungeon for life. And it was true, my parents could have another son or daughter who would be grown and prepared just in time for when it was time for my parents to step down. Besides, maybe they'd get a kid they actually love if they tried again.



"Would you hate me if we did run away.. and you never ever got to be a king? You'd have to live a peasant's life." Hinata mumbled with uncertainty. I sighed, grabbing the bag from Hinata's grip and setting it aside before cupping his cheeks.

"I could never hate you. Giving up being king is but a tiny sacrifice for you."

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