Chapter 9

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Hinata's POV

Mm... Wherever I was, it was warm and cozy and I didn't wanna leave. Also. I was sick. I didn't wanna go anywhere anyway. Wait. Oh- I was in bed with the prince again-! Eh, my body was to sluggish to even attempt and get away. My mind did kind of rush around when I realized he was holding me...

"Oi, you up?" I startled, the prince looking down at me. I blushed, partly from fever and partly from, well, being cuddled by a prince..!

"Y-yeah.. I'm up."

"Good. Here, take this." He said, letting go and sitting up. I shivered when his body heat was removed. I slowly sat up too, watching as he shoved some medicine at me. 

"Thank you.." I said, taking the medicine quickly.

"Hey, boke. Look at me." I looked up at the prince, widening my eyes when he put his finger under my chin and pulled me closer.

"Y-your highness, I don't want you getting sick!"

"I don't care." He said, pressing his lips onto mine. Wait. What was he doing. Was I kissing a prince. No I couldn't be- I was just some servant, and not even a very good one at that..!

Once the prince pulled away, my face was bright red. And not from the fever this time.

"Y-your... your highness...??"

"I want you to stop calling me that. I hate being called that." My mind was racing like crazy, my heart too.

"O-okay. Um.. what, what do you want me to call you??"

"Kageyama." He said calmly. I nodded, still feeling flustered about what just happened. There was no way that this was real I was just dreaming, or maybe I was awake and hallucinating from the fever I had. My train of thought derailed when there was a knock. The princ- er, Kageyama, saying for them to come in. I slowly peaked over, seeing Daichi poke his head in.

"Good morning your highness, good morning Hinata. Your highness, is there anything I can get you?"

"No thank you, Daichi. Actually, please bring some orange juice." Kageyama said. Daichi nodded, returning with a glass and setting it on the night-side stand before giving a bow and leaving. Kageyama took the glass and handed it to me.



"Drink it. It's yours." He said as I shyly took the cup and thanked him. I sipped the drink, smiling faintly since it did taste nice and was cold. After I was finished, I tried to get up, but Kageyama just pulled me back.

"Where are you going."

"Um. I have work to do your hi- um, Kageyama."

"No you don't, you're sick."


"No buts." He said sternly. I blushed slightly but nodded, feeling his grip loosen. I set the glass back down, looking up at Kageyama who gave me another kiss.

"K-kageyama. I really don't want you getting ill...!"

"It's fine. If I do, you'll take care of me, right?"

"Of course I will, b-but-" I stuttered out, being silenced by another kiss. This kiss lasted longer, my hand shakily holding onto his shirt. I blushed heavily when we pulled away. Why was the prince even kissing me in the first place..

"Kageyama, why are you-"

"Be quiet..." He mumbled with a tiny blush of his own. I giggled at seeing him like that. I don't think I've seen him flustered before. Normally he was just kinda stoic.

"Um, Kageyama?"


"If I'm not supposed to do my chores right now.. can I do something else?"

"Like what."

"Could I write to my mom and sister? I'd like to see how they're doing.. and I promised in my last letter that I'd tell them how visiting the other kingdom was.." I asked, Kageyama nodding. I smiled, getting up when Kageyama told me to sit at his desk. I did as I was told, smiling when he set down some parchment, a quill and ink for me. I thanked him as I started writing.

Kageyama's POV

I watched curiously as Hinata wrote a letter to his family. I'd ask what he was writing, but, I guess that'd be to nosy, even for me. So I stayed quiet and sat on my bed as he wrote with a stupid.. happy, cute little smile.

Why. Why did I kiss him? I wasn't supposed to like him. He was my servant. I sat there, thinking quietly until Hinata smiled happily and declared he was finished with his letter. I looked over, watching him wait patiently for the ink to dry up completely before rolling it and sealing it with a small band.

"Let me go get someone to deliver this, and then I'll be right bac-"



"We'll take it to your family in person." I said, Hinata looking a bit stunned. He then smiled all excited.

"Wait, you're gonna let me go visit them??"


"And you're gonna come with me?"


"Are you allowed to?"

"I don't know." I said, Hinata looking concerned.

"Won't you get in trouble if your mom or dad find out?"

"They won't."

"They won't?"

"No. My mother pays little to no attention. And my father pays even less." I said, Hinata looking sad now. 


"Nothing.." He mumbled, walking over and giving me a hug.

"Hey, boke, what're you doing."

"I'm making you feel better!" He said with a laugh and bright smile. I blushed, looking away from him and putting my hand over his face. I didn't push him away, but I feel like if I kept seeing him smile up at me, I'd probably go blind. Hinata laughed, hugging me a moment longer before letting go.

"When can we go?"

"If you'd like, we can go now." Hinata nodding excitedly. He ran off to get changed while I changed in my room. Well, at least that medicine seemed to have already helped cure him a bit. After we were both prepared, Hinata met me by the stables. Helping me get Jean from his stall. I climbed up, situating myself in the saddle before telling Hinata to climb on, but in front of me.

"Eh? In front of you?"



"...Because.. that way you can hold onto the reins or horn of the saddle instead of squeezing the air out of me." I grumbled, Hinata smiling and shrugging. Sitting down in front of me. I let out a breath, my arms on either side of him as I held the reins and nudged Jean forward. I wonder what Hinata's family was like.

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