Chapter 28

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Few Days Time Skip: Kageyama's POV




"...HINATA!" I semi-shouted. Hinata jolting awake with a wide-eyed expression.

"W-what I'm up-!" He said panicked. I laughed, watching him blush and pout when he realized what just happened.

"K-Kageyama you scared the life out of me...!"

"Sorry. But we should get going. You finish that letter?"

"Uh huh!" He said, sitting up and stretching. I smiled faintly and nodded. Hinata wanted to write to his mother and sister since, well, I'm sure they'd be worried sick if he disappeared suddenly. He sent the letter out yesterday I think. And while he was doing that, I was busy finding someone who was willing to give us voyage across the ocean. And I found someone, it was maybe a little sketchy.. but, they were the only ones I could find.

After Hinata was up and ready and all our stuff was packed, we went to the stables where Jean was and got him. The guys who agreed to take us said it'd be fine if we seriously wanted to bring a horse, but I'd have to take care of him. I didn't mind though. I had Jean since he was a pony, and I didn't mind taking care of him. I just hope horses don't get sea sick.



"THOSE are the people who are taking us???" Hinata said alarmed when we reached the port. I nodded and held his hand.



"Look, I know they look kinda.. scary. But I talked to the captain and he seems.. nice enough." I said, Hinata gulping and mumbling to himself. He held my hand tightly as we walked over to the docks.

Kenma's POV
"Kuroo." I said, nudging Kuroo's arm. He looked over and smiled, walking down the ramp that connected the ship and the deck boards.

"Ah, there you two are. Have my money?" He asked, the black-haired boy reaching into a bag and giving Kuroo a small pouch. Kuroo tossed the pouch to me as I counted the coins inside and confirmed it was all there.

"Perfect! Welcome, both of you." Kuroo said, leading the two up onto the deck. I watched them quietly as someone else showed them the cabin room they'd be staying in together while someone took the horse and tied the reigns to a post.

"All of the gold there?"




"Since when do we offer strangers voyage for this little."

"Ah come on it'll be fun Kenma. Besides. The smaller one looks like he'll be fun to scare."

"Kuroo." I said sternly, Kuroo smiling and shrugging. He walked off to see the rest of our preparations were set before we would leave. I shook my head with a sigh. You know, for a pirate captain, he sure does listen to me well.

Once everything was set, I watched as the crew mates scattered about to set sail. I didn't do much, and neither did Kuroo. Well, the captain doesn't have to. I just do little because I can get away with it. While others were talking or cleaning up, I quietly scaled the netted ladder and curled up in the crows nest. No one else was up here and likely wouldn't be until tomorrow morning around sunrise. I sat there quietly and read when I saw someone pop their head up.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry." I looked up, seeing one of the boys that Kuroo was letting travel with us.

"It's alright. There's enough room." I said, the boy seeming hesitant but slowly climbing up and sitting across from me. We both were rather small, so we fit easily.

"So. Who are you."

"My name's Hinata!"

"Mm. I'm Kenma."

"It's nice to meet you! Sorry, I just came up here cause, well, I've never ever been on a real pirate ship before! And I've read about them in some books, and seen some in diagrams. And I always thought that the crow's nest sounded like the coolest thing."

"It's alright. So. Why are you and that other guy traveling with us."

"Well, kinda a long, complicated story. But, he and I just thought it was time to get away."

"I see."

"So, how long have you been a pirate???"

"A few years now."

"Wow. You must have seen a lotta new places then huh?"

"Yes. We stop at many ports and cities and even islands."

"Cool! Do you guys like, really pillage and rob ships, or look for buried treasure?"

"Yes." I said plainly. Hinata giggling before perking up more, if that was possible.

"Wanna come down and meet Jean??"


"Our horse! I'm sure you've seen a lot of horses before, but Jean is a really really nice one." He said with a smile. I shrugged and nodded, letting him climb back down to the deck first before following. He led me over to the horse, letting me pet it.

"Isn't he nice??" Hinata asked with a smile. I nodded, giving him a tiny smile.

"He is."

"Hey Kenma, what's the coolest thing you've seen from being a pirate??"

"I'm not sure. Guess all the things we've found and own."

"What kind of things?"

"Follow me." I said, leading Hinata into Kuroo's Captain's quarters. I stayed in here with Kuroo, so, I technically was also leading him to my room. Hinata followed as I went over to a large wooden chest on the ground. I kneeled down and unlocked it, pulling out something that seemed to catch Hinata's interest.

"Oooo! ....What is it?"

"I call it a spyglass." I said, closing and locking the chest and leading Hinata back up to the deck. We sat down on the wooden flooring and looked at the sky.

"See all the stars?" I asked, Hinata nodding. I handed him the spy glass and told him to look at the stars through it. It took him a moment to figure out how to properly hold it, but once he did, Hinata awed in amazement.

"Woah... They look so big!"

"Mhm. The spy glass enlarges whatever you look at through the lens."

"That's amazing! Can I hold onto this for a little longer??? I wanna show Kageyama!"


"Oh, the other guy traveling with me!" He said with a smile. I nodded and watched him run off, shouting for Kageyama. I stood up and smiled faintly. Maybe Kuroo was right. Maybe this would be fun.

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