Chapter 14

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Hinata's POV

I slowly woke up, my eyes feeling heavy and my body feeling heavier. So.. I guess last night wasn't a nightmare. 

"Hinata?" I heard a voice outside my door. I stayed there, not wanting to move. I don't think I even had the energy to say I was awake. The door creaked open, the voice becoming clearer.

"Hinata, are you up?"


"Come on Hinata, we have to make sure everything is perfect for today." Daichi said as he walked over. He gently put his hand on my shoulder and tried to stir me, but I didn't budge. I wasn't trying to be a nuisance or anything.. but the thought of even trying to get up almost made me sick for some reason.


"I'm in Hinata's room, Suga."

"Oh, there you are." Suga said, his footsteps approaching. I stayed where I was, my back to both of them.

"Come on Daichi, let's let him sleep in a little.. He can always help later." 

Suga's POV

I grabbed Daichi's hand, leading him out of Hinata's room and closing the door.

"Suga, he should be-"

"Daichi, not now." I said, Daichi looking at me confused. I smiled faintly, looking around before giving him a quick kiss. Daichi smiled, returning the kiss and saying he was going to go get things started. I nodded and said I'd join him in a few moments.

I sighed, heading to my room to finish getting dressed. Poor Hinata.. As much as he and Kageyama tried to hide that they were dating, I still figured it out. It was obvious, actually. At least it was if you caught the two alone. Both the king and the prince have explained that this princess was the young prince's actual love, but I wasn't sure if they were lying.

I was pretty certain it was a lie. Of course I could never try and disagree with either of them.  But maybe it wasn't, maybe the prince really did like this princess and was using Hinata. But I find that very hard to believe, Kageyama isn't that cruel. Something else was surely going on.

Time skip

"How does everything look?"

"Looks perfect." Daichi said with a smile. I nodded, walking with him to join the king, queen, prince, and now visiting princess in the grand hall. Hinata never did make it out of bed, but I convinced Daichi to let him rest today. And maybe tomorrow.

Once we were in the grand hall, I watched the king Kindly greet the young princess. She seemed sweet. She and the prince walked off together, talking while the king dismissed us all for the night. Daichi and I went up to the servant's quarters.

"Hey, coming to bed?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I will. I just have to take care of something first."

"Everything okay?"

"Of course, you go on Daichi." I said, Daichi nodding and walking off and to his room for bed. I sighed, loosening the bowtie around my neck for comfort before quietly walking over to Hinata's room. I gave a small knock before walking in, the poor boy still in the same position as this morning.


"..." I sighed, walking over to his bed and sitting down. He glanced at me, his face looking like he's done nothing but cry and sleep all day. I smiled softly, extending my arms. Hinata sniffled, pulling himself up and letting himself slump into my arms. I hugged him tightly, running my fingers through his hair that was in desperate need of brushing.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"...I should've known I wasn't good enough."

"What are you talking about."

"That princess can give things to Kageyama that I never could. And not to mention she's a princess. I'm just.. me."

"Oh Hinata.. You know, you're right. She is a princess. And you are you. But you're absolutely incredible."


"Well, let's think. You're 18 and secured a job as a royal servant. You're doing this job for your family, giving them all the money you earn to make sure that they live comfortably. You work hard and do your best. You're kind and caring, and everyone here cares about you deeply." I said, listing off all these true facts and qualities about Hinata. He just sniffled, holding onto me as I comforted him.

"Suga... if I'm supposed to be all those things. Why am I not good enough.. Kageyama just said he was pitying me. And he never even liked me."

"I'm certain that isn't true.."

"Why shouldn't it be."

"Hinata, I know you two tried your best to hide that you both were dating. But I found out. And you wanna know how I found out? Because it was rather obvious that the prince liked you, and that you liked him."

"...It was?"

"Mhm. As I've said, I've known Kageyama from the time he was only 10. He treated you differently than anyone else." Hinata listened to me quietly, shaking his head and taking in a deep breath.

"W-well. It doesn't matter.. he said he likes the princess, not me. So. whatever makes him happy I guess... Thanks, Suga.. I feel a little better."

"If you ever need something, you can always come to me or Daichi, okay?"


"Now, you should rest. Think you can get up a little tomorrow?"

"Mhm.. Sorry, about today."

"It's alright. No need to be sorry."

"Are you going to bed..?"


"...Um.. Could I stay with you..."

"Well, as long as you don't mind Daichi there as well." I said with a small chuckle. Hinata shaking his head, mumbling he just felt lonely and didn't want to sleep alone again tonight. I nodded, leading him to the room Daichi and I decidedly shared.

Daichi seemed kind of confused, but could tell Hinata was obviously distressed. So he welcomed Hinata to cuddle with us. Daichi and I both basically sandwiched Hinata between us like a little kid until he fell asleep.

"So. Why is he sleeping here?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you another time. But, for now, I'm tired.. and I wanna make sure Hinata's okay."

"Heh, you know what Suga?"


"You'd make a great parent one day." Daichi said, making me giggle slightly as I looked to him.

"You would too."

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