Chapter 12

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Hinata's POV

"No, stay." Kageyama said with a slight pout. I laughed, giving him a quick kiss.

"I'll be right back! I just wanna get something from upstairs." I said to my royal boyfriend. He and I have been secretly dating for, what, a few weeks now? I really never thought that this would ever happen to me. I mean come on now, how many people get to date a prince? And one that was as handsome as mine.. 

Kageyama nodded as I returned to the servant's quarters. For the most part, I've been sleeping with Kageyama each night, but I just had to go get something from my 'room'. After I climbed up all those stairs, I heard something from Daichi's room. I really shouldn't be snooping, butttttt..


"Shh.. Quiet. Asahi or Noya might hear you."

"Ngh.. b-but.. Wa-wait then..!"

"I can't wait Suga, I'm sorry. Just try and be quiet a little bit longer until we know for sure they're gone and working.." Huh, Suga was in there with him. I wonder what they were doing. It almost sounded like Suga was hurt or something because he kept making slightly pained sounded grunts. Well, if Daichi was with him, then he'd be just fine.

I walked past their room and into mine, grabbing what I wanted and returning to Kageyama.

"Hey, what were you getting anyway."

"This, my mom gave it to me when I first left home to come work here." I said, climbing back into the bed and showing Kageyama the book in my hands. He tilted his head, reading the cover of it.

"Oh, Greek Mythologies, huh? You like that kinda stuff?"

"Mhm! Some of the stories are actually a lot like the ones you've told me from your grandpa."


"Yeah, wanna read the book with me? I've read it through once already, but I loved it. And I wanna read it again." Kageyama nodded, pulling me into his lap. He leaned over and pulled the pronged candle holder closer to give me more light so I could read. I snuggled into his chest, making myself comfy before reading the first chapter/story aloud.

Time Skip to Middle of the night

I woke up to the feeling of my boyfriend moving around. I lifted my head up, rubbing my eyes and blinking to try and see as much as I could in the dark room.

"Kageyama..? What're you doing u-" I started to say sleepily. Waking up pretty quick when he sniffled.

"Kageyama, are you crying?" I said quickly as I sat up. Moving over to my prince. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, so I moved over and into his lap. Cupping his cheeks. It was dark, but the light of the moon dimly lit the room enough for me to see that he was indeed crying.

"What's wrong..?" I asked softly, Kageyama wrapping his arms around me tightly. I held onto him quietly, soothingly playing with his hair until he calmed down a little bit.

"Hinata.. I'm not good enough to be king."

"What ever are you talking about. You will be an incredible king!"


"No buts about it!"


"Kageyama.. look at me." I said, pulling away slightly. Waiting patiently as he slowly tilted his head up to meet me eye-to-eye. I smiled reassuringly at him.

"You're amazing, and there's no doubt about that. Your brave, and kind-hearted. I know you'll make this kingdom stronger than ever! And when you become king, everyone will see that."

"...You think..?"

"Of course I do! Besides, I promise that no matter what you have to go through, I'll be right here! After all, I have to serve my prince, right?" I said with a smile, Kageyama giving me a small chuckle. I kissed him softly, letting him nuzzle his face back into my neck.

"Kageyama.. how long have you been worried about this..?"

"..Pretty much ever since I was little."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"..I was worried you'd just think that I was being stupid.."

"I'd never think that about something you're so worried about. You're important to me." I said honestly, staying cuddled to my boyfriend until he was completely calmed down. After a bit, we both laid down and went back to sleep in each other's arms.

The next Day. Kageyama's POV

"I'll be back tonight."

"Alright. Just remember-"

"I know, I will take care of Jean while I'm gone!" Hinata said with a smile. I smiled faintly, nodding and giving him a kiss goodbye. Hinata giggled and ran off to go visit his mom and sister for the day. I kinda wanted him to stay, especially after last night. My father has doubted my ability to be king in a few years. And I guess I let those doubts sink in and I started to believe them.

But Hinata helped me when it started getting to much to bare. He really was like my little ball of sunshine. Especially in my life when I needed him the most. I walked quietly down the hall, heading to my study when my father walked over.

"Tobio. I want to speak to you."

"About what."

"I know about you and that little servant boy."


"I'm very disappointed. I had hoped you would have realized your mistake. But I suppose you cannot even do that. So. I have taken the liberty to help you."

"What are you talking about."

"I have found you a bride."


"She will be here tomorrow evening. And I expect you to treat her well."


"And as for that servant boy, he may not be allowed to know."

"Oh yeah? And what if I don't do it."

"Then the boy will be fired. And all the money given to his family will be confiscated."


"So, you must breakup with him. Make him believe you found someone better than him. Because you have. Well, I have for you." My father said, leaving as I stood there. I had to do it.. I couldn't just let Hinata and his family suffer because of me.. I love him too much to do that to him.

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