Chapter 23

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Asahi's POV
"Noya, we've been searching all night. What if who we're looking for doesn't even live here? What if he was just visiting or something."

"I guess that's possible. People who do stuff like witchcraft surely gotta move around a lot to not be caught." Noya said with a sigh. Checking inside every shop, every vendor, every home and every street was tiring, and we have been at it for hours. We were on this case so long that even Noya looked tired, and I thought he never got tired. Noya yawned, walking along with me sluggishly until I picked him up.

"H-huh! Asahi!"


"What are you d-doing!"

"Aren't you tired?"

"...well, yes but-"

"I'm just giving you a rest." I said, Noya blushing and grumbling to himself but he actually let me carry him. He must've been tired because he soon passed out. We were both used to being awake all night cleaning up and preparing the castle for the day servants, but guess this was a little harder. I sighed, continuing to search until it started getting light. Once the sun started rising, I made my way back to the castle and to the prince's room.

"Did you find him??" The prince asked me as soon as I knocked and nudged his door open with my shoulder.

"No.. I'm sorry your highness... We did look all night."

"...It's alright. You two are surely exhausted. Go to bed..." He said, sounding disappointedly. I nodded and gave a tiny bow, trying to not wake up Noya as I carried him up to the servant's quarters. I yawned and went into Noya's room, laying him down and putting the cotton blanket over him.


"Hm..? Oh, we're back Noya. Go back to sleep." I said, Noya grabbing my hand.

"Stay. You're warmer than the blanket." He said, making me laugh slightly. I will admit, cotton blankets weren't exactly the most comfortable. I gave in, feeling to exhausted to argue and it would be easier to sleep here instead of going down the hall to my room. So, I laid next to Noya and let him cuddle up to me before passing out for the day.

Kageyama's POV
What if this person my parents hired left? What if it was some guy from out of the village or something. Maybe I should ask someone to go out during the day and ask around to see if anyone has seen someone matching the description.. I feel bad that Asahi and Noya searched to exhaustion, but I had to know.

"Suga! Sugaaaa!" I called out as I left my room. After a couple minutes, Suga came jogging over. He huffed and took in a breath before straightening his posture and bowing.

"Yes your highness??"

"I have something for you to do."


"Um, can you go out in the village and see if anyone has seen a guy dressed in all black leaving or coming?"

"Er, of course, your highness." Suga said, trying to not sound to confused but I could tell he was curious. I told him I would explain later as he nodded, bowing and leaving to do as I asked.

Time skip to end of the evening
"Your highness?" I turned my head, seeing Suga politely bow his head.

"Pardon for intruding." He said with an apologetic smile.

"No need for apologies. Did you find anything???"

"Well, someone who lives on the outskirts of the village said he saw a man in an all black cloak leaving with a cart."

"How long ago did this man leave?"

"I believe they said they witnessed this just two nights ago."

"Which direction."


"Okay... Thank you Suga. You're dismissed." I said, Suga bowing and leaving. I got up, grabbing a bag and setting it on my bed. This was the closest lead I had to knowing where this guy went, so I had to follow it. I wasn't entirely sure how I was gonna be able to get out of the palace, but I'd figure it out. I also wanted to bring Hinata.. If I found this guy, I was gonna make sure he reversed or whatever he did right away.

I grabbed some books of maps, a knife, flint, and other materials and shoved them all into the bag. I then clipped my darkest cloak on and went out into the hallway and searched until I found Hinata getting ready to go up to the quarters for bed.

"Hinata, there you are!"

"...Yes.. is there something you needed, your highness..?"

"Yes. Come with me." I said, Hinata sighing but following me as I went out into the stables. Tanaka didn't work at night, so I saddled up Jean myself and made sure his saddlebag was full of supplies in case this trip would take a while.

"Your highness. What are you doing."

"Stay quiet, and c'mere." I said, climbing on my horse and hauling Hinata up behind me. He huffed, grabbing the back of the saddle to hang on as I nudged Jean forward. As we neared the exit, two soldiers pointed their spears at Jean to stop me. I bit my lip and mumbled an apology, since they were only doing their jobs, before grabbing the small pouch attached to my pants. I untied the string keeping it closed before tossing it at the guards. They coughed and soon collapsed as I gave Jean a sturdy kick to get him running.

Hinata shouted in surprise, grabbing onto me to avoid falling as we left quickly. I kept Jean galloping until we were at the outskirts of the village, Hinata loosening his grip and going back to holding onto the back of the saddle for support.

"Gee, what did you do?"

"Poppy seed dust. Knocks you out if you inhale it. They'll be fine, they're just asleep."

"So you're running away. Fine whatever, but why am I here."

"I need an escort of course." I said, unable to see Hinata's face but I could tell he was rolling his eyes. I headed to the norther walls, everything silent apart from Jean's hooves beating against the dirt and stone path. I felt weight on my back, glancing over my shoulder to see Hinata had fallen asleep. I would move him, but I didn't want to risk waking him, and he was slouched enough so he shouldn't fall over, even if he did begin to, I'd catch him. So, I checked my compass to ensure I was heading in the right direction before simply continuing onward.

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