Mini Epilogue

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A/N. Making a sequel to this book. If you'd like please take a read!

Kageyama's POV

"Woahhhhhh, Tobio look at this thingy." I turned to look at whatever my husband was looking at. We were currently aboard Kuroo and Kenma's ship and being showed more treasures that they've come across in the past weeks and months.

"What is it?"

"Uhhhhhhh. Hey Kenma! What did you say this giant spy glass is called??" Hinata called, Kenma walking over and adjusting the device.

"It's called a telescope." Hinata smiled and looked at me.

"It's a telescope!"

"Thank you for the insight." I said with a tiny smile, Kenma saying that we could keep it. Claiming it'd be his wedding gift to us. We both thanked him before we had to go. Of course we took the telescope home first. Hinata smiled excitedly as I set it up outside in the back.

"Tobio, can we use it tonight??"

"Of course we can. We might not get a ton of sleep though."

"I know, but if we have some extra time??" He asked with an overly adorable smile. I nodded and ruffled his hair as we both went to go visit his mom and sister at the inn. We found their room and were allowed inside. Shoyo spending time with his little sister as I quietly asked his mom to speak to her.

"Is there something wrong, Tobio?"

"Well... I was just curious about some stuff back home.."

"Oh of course, what is it?"

"Well. How are my parents.. what's been going on since I went 'missing'? Do they seem upset..?"

"I don't want to make you feel bad, Tobio. But.. both the king and queen are claiming they are acting with grace and strength by not letting your disappearance affect their work.."

"Sounds like something they would say.. Do you know what they're doing about another heir?"

"The queen is pregnant."

"Well. They got over me fast." I mumbled quietly. I shouldn't be so upset, but yet I still am. Hinata's mom got up and walked over.

"Oh Tobio... Shoyo has told me about your parents.. And I certainly have lost any respect for them. But I understand you are upset."

"I shouldn't be.. They were terrible."

"But they are still your parents. The ones you called mom and dad for 18 years. It's natural you're hurt."

"It isn't like they acted like my mom or dad though."

"Well. You don't have to worry about them anymore. You have a new family now. You have Shoyo, and now, you have me and Natsu." She said, making me smile faintly. I got up and hugged her, smiling when she hugged me back and reached high up to ruffle my hair.

"Thank you.."

"If you ever need, you can always write to me too!" She said with a smile. I nodded, Hinata wandering over with Natsu in his arms. He handed Natsu off to me who enjoyed being held by me because I was a lot taller than both her mom and her brother. 

Hinata's POV

Kageyama and I spent a little more time with my mom and sister before we had to get going. Besides, I would see my family, and Kuroo and Kenma later tonight anyway for a special surprise. I grabbed my husband's hand and dragged him off excitedly.

"Shoyo slow down." He said as I held his hand and laughed.

"Sorry! I'm just excited."

"I am too, but you need to calm down a little bit." He said and held my hand tightly to slow my pace down a little. I giggled and finally managed to calm myself down a little bit, only a tiny bit though. 

Time skip to that evening

"Shoyo, dinner is almost ready."

"Good! Everyone should be here-" I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Kageyama smiled faintly and went to answer the door while I went to our room to get the surprise to show to everyone. I heard everyone greeting Kageyama in the main room while I picked up the surprise.

"Where's Shoyo?" I heard Kenma ask. Kageyama telling everyone to please either turn around or close their eyes. After a couple minutes, Kageyama called my name as I slowly walked into the room where everyone was.

"Okay. Everyone can look now. But please be quiet." I said, everyone opening their eyes. My mom rushing over when she saw my precious baby daughter in my arms. Kenma and Kuroo wandered a bit closer as well while Natsu seemed a little bit bored by it.

"Shoyo... who's this precious little angel..." My mom asked with a smile, looking down at my new baby girl.

"Kageyama and I wanted a family. So.. a few days after we got married, we spoke to Ukai and Takeda since they have a daughter. And they told us that there was a home for orphaned children and where it was. So. Tobio and I went there and went through a long process and... here she is." I explained quietly to avoid waking up my baby. 

My mom was quick to ask to hold her, which I happily allowed. Kageyama walked over and put his arm around me as my mom carefully wandered about and kissed our baby's nose before giving her back to me. 

Throughout the dinner, Kuroo kept us entertained by telling us stories. Apparently he ran into Akaashi again. Guess he figured out that not all mermaids were so bad. After dinner, I picked up my daughter from her little crib I had dragged by my seat so she'd be with us in case she started crying.

By the time everything was cleaned up, it was dark outside and the stars were out. All of us went outside and looked up at the sky, admiring the stars while Natsu spent most of her time curiously looking through the new telescope. 

"Shoyo?" My mom said gently as she walked over to where I was sitting, rocking my baby.


"So. What are you and Tobio naming her?"

"Her name is Eclipse."

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