Chapter 37

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Akaashi's POV

"Both of you, return by the trident. Swim straight down and to your left." I said, both boys quickly retreating in that direction as I swam closer to the entrance of the cavern.

"Ahhhh, Akaashi! Thank you so much for leading us here!"

"What do you want, Tendou."

"Pft, is that even a question?" He asked, swimming closer. 

"Stop right there." I said, waving my hand and causing a heavy current to create a walled barricade between Tendou and I.

"Aw, c'mon Akaashi don't be that way." He said with a grin. I narrowed my eyes as Tendou broke off and grabbed one of the stalagmites and threw it into the current. He scowled when the tough piece of rock was quickly thrown against the cavern wall and shattered.

"Tendou, your people have no need for the trident. Turn and go home, and there will be no need for fighting."

"Mmmmm, no can do. Cause I brought someone with me to help." He said with a smile, another Siren swimming over. This siren much larger and stronger looking. His tail looked like it was made to fight any current, even my own.

"Hey Akaashi, meet Ushijima. He's my absolute best soldier. And lover." Tendou said, resting his arms on Ushijima's shoulder. I looked at this soldier, glaring as he gently moved Tendou aside and moved back before swimming through the current barricade like it was just a wave. 

I widened my eyes as he tackled me, the water returning to calm as I was thrown against the cavern wall. Some blood from cuts made on my body began to leak into the water, Tendou swimming over and smiling with a shrug.

"Mm, you know, sharks and other creatures are gonna be smelling that blood, Akaashi. Don't you worry, we'll be outta your hair in a minute." Tendou said as he swam towards the trident, Ushijima following him. 

Tendou's POV

Haha, finally I know where this stupid trident is. I could never find it, but thankfully Akaashi was leading us straight to it. Actually, he was leading two other guys here.. Where are they..?

"Hey Wakatoshi-kun??"


"Akaashi brought two other mermaids here. All I saw was orange hair on one of them and a blue tail on the other. Mind searching for me?"

"Of course." He said, swimming off to search for these guys. I'm sure that they weren't important, they certainly didn't look like any kinda soldiers. Well, even if they were, I knew Ushijima could probably kick both their tail fins with no issue.

I swam closer to the magnificent trident and admired it. Wow, it was glorious. The mermaids never used it to its full potential. It could do sooooo much more than just keeping all the kelp and coral beds alive. And they knew it too, so I have no idea why they didn't put it to better use.

"Tendou." I turned, seeing Ushijima return. 

"Find anyone?"


"Eh, maybe they swam away." I said, turning my attention back to the trident. I took a glance at Akaashi who was losing more blood. Even I could smell and taste it, it was quite divine. But, I had to hurry if I didn't wanna deal with sharks and other creatures that would surely be lured here.

I grabbed the trident, trying to pull it with me. But it wouldn't budge.

"What the heck. Wakatoshi-kun, help!" I complained, my boyfriend swimming over and grabbing it as well. We both pulled, but this stupid thing wouldn't move.

"Agh.. come, on.. just, come with me!" I said, pulling as hard as I could and kicking my tail to swim as strong as possible.

"It will not budge for you, Tendou. You are not its rightful owner, nor its next.." Akaashi said from where he was laying. I scowled, looking around and grabbing another stalagmite.

"Not if I can help it."I mumbled, using the rock to try and chip away at the pedestal the trident was on. The pedestal seemed more sturdy than the stupid trident!

"No matter what you do, you will not be able to get it." Akaashi said with a tiny smirk. I think the water nearly boiled around me from my anger before I grinned.

"Oo! I have an idea. Wakatoshi-kun, could you bring him over here please??" I asked, my boyfriend being so kind as to swim over and grab Akaashi and drag him in front of me. I smirked, circling the trident.

"Alright. Maybe I can't grab it. But YOU can mister prince of the ocean."

"What makes you think I will grab it for you."

"Oh you don't gotta. Wakatoshi-kun can make you. All that needs to happen is that the trident recognizes that its your touch, right?" I said with a smile, Akaashi looking worried as Ushijima pulled him closer to the trident. I watched with excitement as Ushijima grabbed Akaashi's wrist and pulled it towards the trident's handle.

Akaashi resisted as much as he could, but my boyfriend was obviously much stronger. I smiled in excitement when someone suddenly tackled me, causing me to spin and hit the wall. Ushijima looked over at me before someone else did the same. Though, he managed to stop himself before smacking into the cavern wall as well.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with the pointy end of the trident being pointed at me and Ushijima. Just a little boy pointing it at us. I chuckled and poked the end of the prong.

"What're you gonna do kid?" I asked, the boy pointing the trident mere inches above my head as a powerful blast from the trident was emitted. He turned and pointed it back at me as Ushijima grabbed my arm.

"Another day." My boyfriend said simply, glaring at the boy and dragging me out of the cavern quickly for my own safety.

Akaashi's POV

"AKAASHIIIII!" I heard my husband cry out, grabbing me and looking at the scrapes and cuts.

"Akaashi you're bleeding!" He said with worry. The cuts honestly weren't that bad anymore. They still hurt but the bleeding has slowed, so I wasn't concerned. I turned my attention to who was holding the trident, smiling faintly to see my son.

"Dad, are you okay??" He asked, swimming over and crashing into me. I groaned, now sandwiched between my husband and child.

"Yes, I am okay." I said, waiting for the two to pull away. Once my husband and child weren't trying to kill me y hugging me anymore, I finally processed what just happened.

"Grant.. you-" I said, looking at my son holding the trident. After I was over my mini moment of shock, I chuckled slightly and swam closer, placing my hands on my son's shoulders.

"I'm proud to know who the next successor will be."

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