Chapter 13

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Hinata's POV

"Kageyama, I'm back!" I said, knocking and poking my head into his room. He looked over at me quietly while sitting on his bed.

"Hey... How'd it go." He asked as I walked over. I hummed happily and sat down on the bed with him.

"It was great! Oh! Here, Natsu made you something." I said, rummaging in the small bag I had brought with me. Once I found Natsu's gift, I gave it to Kageyama with a giggle. He looked down at the drawing she had done.

"She told me, to tell you, that the ink that's drawn in was kinda expensive. She said our mom got it for her last week when my pay was delivered to them!" Kageyama just nodded and mumbled a thanks, putting it down on the night stand. I tilted my head and crawled into my prince's lap.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked with concern, cupping his cheeks. Kageyama avoided looking at me and he looked kinda sad. I leaned forward and gave him a soft little kiss.

"If something's wrong, you can-"

"Hinata, I think you should sleep in your old room tonight.." He said, reaching up and removing my hands from his face. I looked at him a little bit surprised, and confused.

"Oh?? Well.. alright. I will. But, really, is there something wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?" I asked, still worried. Kageyama just shook his head. Hm. He was lying.. but, I don't think I was gonna be convincing him right now. So, I just gave him another kiss and got up. Smiling at him before running off back to the servant's quarters.

"Hey, Hinata. Haven't seen you up here for bed in ages?" Ennoshita said with a small smile. I shrugged with a nod, walking with him down the hallway towards our rooms.

"Yeah, but, I guess I'm staying here tonight."

"Well, you're always welcome here, even if you have been used to another bed lately. We all need to be well rested for tomorrow."

"Huh? Why? What's going on tomorrow??"

"The young prince's new bride will be arriving tomorrow evening." 

What..? What does he mean 'bride'..?



"When did he, I mean.. It's not my business. But, you know..?"

"The king said that the prince and this princess have been writing to each other for a while. Guess they really like each other. So, they're gonna meet each other in person for the first time tomorrow. Which means we gotta lot to cleaning to do."


"Well, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow." Ennoshita said with a smile, stepping into his room. I nodded with a small smile before slowly walking into my own. I walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge slowly. 

Did Kageyama really have, well.. a princess he was gonna marry? Why did he never tell me. I would've liked if he had told me any of this..! I mean, I was his boyfriend.. secretly... I groaned, flopping back onto the bed and staring at the ceiling. I'm sure Ennoshita wasn't lying or anything to me. But, I wanted to know for myself. I'll talk to Kageyama about it later, but for now, I should let him sleep.

Middle of the night

AGH. I CAN'T SLEEP. I got up, looking around before grabbing a small lantern and lighting the candle inside of it. I walked quietly to make sure that I didn't wake up Suga, Daichi, Ennoshita, or anyone else who was surely asleep and tired. I went down the stairs, walking with a small sigh.

"Hey, Asahi??"

"Huh? Oh, Hinata. What're you doing awake?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. Um. Do you know if Ka- er, the prince is awake??"

"I think he is." I smiled, thanking Asahi and heading to Kageyama's room. I slowly opened the door, peaking inside and seeing Kageyama sitting at his desk.

"Kageyama??" I said, stepping inside quietly. He looked over at me for a moment before looking back down at the book he was reading.

"What are you doing here. I said to sleep in your old room tonight."

"I will I will. I just, um.. I wanted to ask you something."


"Um.. are you really.. meeting a princess tomorrow.. to marry??"


"Oh... Um.. what, what about us..?"

"What about us."

"Well, we've been dating for a little over a month now. Right?"


"And.. and don't you think you should've told me? Or like, broken up with me or something! I found out from Ennoshita. And I'm just, confused. I mean what am I supposed to do? What's going on, Kageyama??"

"I'm going to marry this princess. And you will remain a servant here in the castle. A servant, and nothing more."

"...O..Okay.. So.. I guess that means we don't have to worry about anyone finding out about us since, well, we're, breaking up. Right?" I said, trying to give him a small smile. My mind was racing, and I wanted to cry. I had no idea what to do, so that was the stupid thing I said.

"Yeah. So, tomorrow, your tasks will be to move more of your things back to your room."

"R-right. Can.. I ask you one more thing?"


"Why are you doing this..? I don't understand why you never told me.. I would've understood.."

"I was pitying you."


"I was pitying you, dumbass. I like this princess okay? She's clearly got a LOT more to offer than you do. I never told you because I knew you'd be all upset and whiny and just annoying. Besides, I... never liked you. You were just easy to kiss or sleep with or whatever because you were my servant." He said without looking at me. I stood there, processing everything he just told me.

"...I... I'm sorry. I should leave you to rest then.. g-goodnight.. your highness." I said, forcing my feet to move back to the door. I dragged myself back to my room, dropping the lantern and falling face-first onto my bed. I grabbed the pillow, hugging it tightly as tears started to well up in my eyes. Did he really date me just because I was convenient for him.. I only let him kiss or cuddle me a lot when he asked me to date him. I guess he knew that dating me would be the only way he could have his way..

More tears started to flow, soaking my pillow. I was angry, and sad.. and confused and hurt. I cried, stuffing my face into the pillow to muffle the noise. So much has happened tonight already, and I didn't understand any of it..! After I stopped crying, I laid there and closed my eyes, praying this was all just some nightmare. And that I would wake up in the morning in Kageyama's arms.

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