Chapter 39

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A few weeks time skip: Hinata's POV
"Hinata, I'm back." I heard Kageyama shout. I smiled, getting up and quickly rushing inside from the back garden. I ran and crashed into my boyfriend, giggling when he saw how much dirt and mud I had on me.

"Welcome homeee!"


"Yessss?" I said, looking up at him with my best innocent smile. Kageyama stared before letting out a heavy breath and just giving my lips a gentle peck.

"Please go bathe and change if you are done outside..." He said. I said I'd be done soon, so he should go bathe first. He nodded and walked off as I returned outside and kneeled back down in the dirt. After a couple nights at that inn, Kageyama finally found a black smithery that agreed to train and hire him. So he took the job immediately and we used pretty much almost the rest of the gold Kenma gave us and found a tiny home in the village. And the rest of the gold went into seeds and vegetables since I was pretty decent at gardening. And this way we would save some money until Kageyama saved up more.

After I was done covering the last of the squash seeds, I got up and went inside. Kageyama must still be bathing since he wasn't in our room.


"I'm in here." Ah, I was right. I poked my head in, Kageyama glancing over at me. Even though Kageyama and I have taken up to bathing together quite often, for both expense reasons and just... it was nice, I still blushed every time I saw him naked.

"Is there something wrong Hinata?"

"H-huh?? No, no um. I just finished outside so when you're done-"

"Why don't you just join me?" He said, making my face red. I took a moment to think before just giving in. Tired of being covered in dirt anyway. After I slipped my clothes off, I carefully climbed in the small tub with my boyfriend. He let me sit in his lap while he decided to wash my hair and back for me. Not that I was complaining.

"Kageyama, guess what!"


"So, you know how in that last letter my mom sent me, she said Suga and Daichi have been visiting her and Natsu?"


"Well, when I told her the city we settled in, she said that people Daichi and Suga know live here."


"Daichi told me about them once. Do you remember people named Ukai and Takeda???"

"Hmm.. I believe so. Yeah, they used to work at the palace when I was little. They quit quite a while ago though."

"Do you wanna visit them???"

"I don't know Hinata. They both know that I'm the prince and would question why I'm all the way out here.."

"Do you think they'd understand if we told them what happened??"

"Maybe..." Kageyama mumbled uncertain. I let my head rest on his shoulder, accepting the little kiss he gave me.

"Well, don't worry about it! We don't have to. But apparently they live right by the marketplace if you ever want too!"

Kageyama's POV
After Hinata and I were both clean and changed, we went to the kitchen to make food. We still didn't have a lot, but it was enough for both of us until I got paid or the vegetables in the garden would grow. While we ate, I thought back to when Ukai and Takeda worked at the palace. Both of them were really nice. I can't imagine that they would ever report that they found me and Hinata if I explained my and Hinata's situation... and it would be nice to have people here that we knew.

"Kageyama, are you done eating???" Hinata asked with a tilted head. I nodded and let him take my plate. I watched him store what was uneaten and then rinse and wash off the two plates.

"Hey Hinata?"

"Uh huh?"

"Do you still want to go out and try to see if we can find Ukai or Takeda?"

"Only if you want to! I don't mind."

"Alright then.. Come on, let's go look."

Takeda's POV
"Do you think we should get fish for dinner?" I asked, looking around at the meats with my daughter in my arms. Gee, she was getting to big and soon enough I'd have to stop carrying her everywhere. You can only carry a bagful of groceries in one hand and a 6 year old in the other for so long. My daughter scrunched her nose at the suggestion, making me laugh.

"Well what do you think we should get? We need to pick soon, daddy is gonna be back from work early today."

"Ummm, lamb!" She said with a smile. I shrugged and nodded, looking around for anymore meat being sold that wasn't fish or pig. Finally I found what I was looking for.

"Does this look like a good piece?"

"Yep!" After getting confirmation from my daughter, I purchased the cut of meat and tucked the packed up protein into my satchel of other ingredients. Alright, spices, meat, some extra greens.. should be everything I'll need for tonight. I turned and started heading home when two boys ran over, the taller one saying my name.


"Hm?" I turned, staring at the two boys. Something was awfullyyyyyy familiar about the taller of the two....

"You are, Takeda right?"

"Yes..? ....Wait.. Kageyama??!" I said with shock, Kageyama nodding.

"Yeah.. it's me."

"What on earth are you doing all the way- look how much you've grown!" I said with a smile, Kageyama blushing slightly as people stared at me cooing over the prince. He's grown up so much from when I last saw him.

"Oh, right! What the heck are you doing here???"

"Um, I can explain. But, not out here." He mumbled shyly. I looked around and nodded in understanding since it was getting crowded.

"Alright. Would you two like to come over for dinner? That is, if you haven't had any. I know it's kinda late."

"Oh, no that'd be great."

"Wonderful! Follow me then!"

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