Chapter 6

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Hinata's POV

"Hinata, calm down! Here, come out to the stables and help me prepare the horses." Suga said with a small smile. I laughed, following him quickly outside.

"Hi Jean!" I greeted the prince's horse happily, Suga tilting his head as he looked at me.

"How do you know his name?"

"Huh? O-Oh! Um.. The prince told me." I said with a awkward laugh. Suga slowly nodded and handed me a few brushes to groom the horses with. He helped me get one of the horses out, showing me how to properly brush it. He worked on one side while I did the other.

"So, you are quite excited about the trip?"

"Uh huh! I've never been outside of the town before!" I said happily, Suga laughing faintly.

"Well, I hope that you will enjoy yourself. But please remember to behave yourself, and still tend to whatever the prince, king, and queen need or want."

"You're not coming??"

"No, but Daichi will be joining you. So you may go to him if you need help with something."

"Is anyone else I know coming?"

"Hm. I believe Asahi will also be joining you."

"Oo! Okay! Asahi is really nice. He kinda scared me at first though.." I admitted, Suga laughing.

"People tend to have that impression when they first meet Asahi. But I assure you, he is nothing but gentle and caring." Suga assured me. I nodded with a smile, helping him finish brushing and saddling up the rest of the horses. I was kinda nervous since this would be my first time out of the town, so far from home. But, it was exciting. And we'd be back in a few days. Then I could write to my mom and sister about it!

After Suga and I finished up, I quickly changed and joined Daichi, Asahi, and the royal family. Along with a few guards. The prince, king, and queen all mounted their horses. A few head guards getting horses too, but the rest of us had to walk. Not that I minded, I always had enough energy for an exciting trip!

Few Hour Time Skip

"Wow Hinata, how are you still so energetic." Daichi asked me with a small chuckle. I laughed, happily walking along side him and Asahi.

"He reminds me of Noya." Asahi said with a soft smile. I shrugged, bouncing forward a bit.

"You two tired??" I asked, Daichi asking.

"Aren't you?"

"Well, a little bit, but-"

"Alright everyone, let's take a break." The prince said aloud. We all stopped, the king and queen saying that would be fine. Let us sit while the guards watered and checked the horses' hooves for stones. I shrugged, hopping over to Daichi and Asahi and sitting down with them. They both looked tired, taking some time to stretch while I hummed.



"So. Why exactly are we going to a neighboring kingdom?"

"The King and Queen are meeting with another royal couple to try and form an alliance."




"Because it would make both kingdoms stronger. We would both have more power, more soldiers, more trading routes which leads to more gold, food, spices, silks, and so on." Daichi explained calmly. I smiled while listening, fascinated by this.

"Wow, so it's like, really important." I said, Daichi nodding with a small laugh. We rested for a while longer before resuming our journey. It was dark by the time we got there. NOW I was sleepy.. We all went to the castle of this kingdom. The guards welcoming us inside where the king and queen were. The king greeted all of us kindly, saying we must be exhausted from our trip. A few maids showed us to the rooms we were going to stay in.

I was happy I got to share a room with Daichi and Asahi. It wasn't a small room, so we had PLENTY of space and our own beds. But they were still here with me. I hated being alone, so it was nice. Well, thoroughly exhausted, we each changed and went to bed. 

Kageyama's POV

I quietly looked down at my arm that was still bandaged from the wound I got the other night. It looks like it could probably use another cleaning and changing. I'd get Hinata, but he just walked for miles all day, he's probably knocked out cold. And neither of my parents knew about this. And I really kinda didn't want to ask one of the maids or servants here. 

I quietly found a cloth, taking the bandages off of my arm with some struggle. This was a lot harder to do by myself, and with one hand. Finally, I got it off and discarded the old bandage and washed the cut. Ouch.. Hmph. It didn't hurt so much when Hinata did it for me. While I was still taking care of my arm, my door opened. My father stepping in.

"Tobio, I- what is that."

"Um.. I got hurt."

"I can see that. How did you get hurt."

"I.. fell."

"You can't fool this old king, what were you doing that was so stupid, you got a sword to the arm." He said a bit angrily, walking over and looking at the cut. I glanced away, continuing to clean and then wrap my arm the best I could.

"Um.. someone, in the markets did it."

"What were you doing in the markets."

"I was buying something.."



"For that silly old lamp?"

"Grandpa gave it to me. And it's not silly, its a gift from him. And I wanted to use it." I said angrily that my dad called the lamp silly. I loved my grandpa. I was heartbroken when he died. Yeah, I was little when it happened, but I still remembered him so well. He was so kind to me. My father looked mad that I was talking back to him. His hand raising and striking me across the face. A stinging sensation being left on my cheek.

"We will discuss this when we return home. Now. Tomorrow, your mother and I have much to discuss with the royal guard and family. Do not embarrass me." He said before leaving. I sat there quietly, pressing my hand to my cheek. The skin warm and a bit red. I took in a deep breath, holding back to urge to shed any tears. I wouldn't cry, I won't allow myself to be so weak.

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