The Past

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Jimin slowly examines his surrounding with his fingers. Where the fuck am I?

As Jimin continues to move his hands in the darks he hears his name being screamed again.

"Jimin! you little shit where are you."

The moment Jimin realizes whose voice it was he panics and covers his mouth and pushes himself to the corner of the closet. Why is he here?! This isn't real, This can't be real?! he repeats to himself as he hears someone going up some stairs and walking into the room that he's in.

"If you don't come out by the time I count to 5 -"

Don't say it, don't say it

"I'll go find your mother instead, don't break your promise Jimina~"

This isn't fucking real Jimin, don't fucking move I don't want to see it again! Jimin tries to stop himself as his hands push the closet doors open as if they had their own will.

"I should have known you'd be hiding in that fucking closet again," The grown man says as he looks down on the child before him.

Don't open your mouth Jimin "Don't touch my mom you fuck!" Jimin says as he holds out his small fist

"Or what, are you gonna stop me?" The man says as he sways side to side trying to keep his balance. "You know what let's go see how your mom is doing, how about that." He says with a smug face as he stares at a room across them.

"You said you wouldn't go to her if I came out you prick!" Jimin says as he runs towards him.

The grown man pushes him to the side and grabs a hold of his hair and drags him to the room across from them.

"I said wouldn't go find her, you can't find someone if you already know where they are brat," the man says amused as he swings the room door open and flings Jimin to the other side of the room "STAY," the man says.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Jimin screams as he jumps on the man's back and begins to swing his fist

"You little fuck!" The man says as he bangs his back on the wall and starts kicking Jimin "Your starting to think you some big man now you little fuck" he says as he stomps on him.

"W-What are you doing!?" A small voice echoes

No mom stop.

"Shut up and wait there" the man demands as he lays his foot on Jimin's throat.

Jimin struggles to breathe and scratches the man's leg

"You're going to kill him stop!" The woman yells as she tries to pull the man off Jimin.


"I said to stay put you dumb bitch" the man says annoyed as he backhands her and she falls back onto the bed.

Don't get back up mom, please.

"Don't touch her!" Jimin gasp as he finally breaks some skin on the man's leg

"Agh, you little shit" He yelps as he's about to stomp on him again until he's pulled back onto the bed.

"I told you not to touch him," The woman says as he holds him from behind "Jimin leave!" She screams as she struggles.

Jimin struggles, gasping for air and trying to get himself back up. Stay down Jimin don't get up you fuck please, Jimin pleads with himself.

The man and woman struggle between each other until one of them tires out "You dumb bitch!" the man says as he gets on top of the woman "Argh, get off m-" the woman is cut off as the man's hands start to strangle her

Why do I have to go through this again damn it! Jimin scream internally finally winning over himself and being able to control his body, "Nothing ever changes I still need to make the same choice I did then." Jimin says dishearten and looks down at the dresser drawers.

"Jimin you better fucking stay there," The man says as he struggles with the woman beneath him. "Why don't you ever do what you're told you slut" he says as she continues to fight back

"I should have done this from the beginning," Jimin says as he opens the dresser drawer

"The both of you are fucking... wake the fuck up," The man says as he releases the woman as she lays there motionless. "Wake u-"

"She's not going to wake up you fat fuck" Jimin says as he cocks the gun and points it at the man.

"Jimin put the gun do-"

"We've already been through this traumatic nightmare Dad."



 A/N 2:03 am

Hope everyone is doing well out there, remember to breathe when you're stressed. Give yourself a little break once in a while. Think about now rather than years from now.

𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗢𝗻 " 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆 " +*~-+*~-+*

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