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As much as we are inclined to show our best selves, best decisions, best versions of our lives to others, we are all living our own lives. 

Granted, this does absolutely not eliminate the responsibilities we have that are directly linked to other people. However, we are in no position to show off.

The decisions we make on a daily basis may have some kind of effect on the people in our vicinity. No, they will inexorably have an effect on other people in our adjacencies. However, they're our decisions.  The life we are living is ours. We are completely responsible for every step we take on the journey we call life. Of course we may consult and confer with others whenever we need their assistance. But the choices we make lay in our hands. When something goes wrong, we can never blame the people around us for being "too dumb", "too stupid" or simply a "good for nothing" because we're ashamed of the failure. We have to face the consequences of our own actions. We may ask for directions, but we are the ones taking the steps towards our goals. We have our own respective minds, bodies and lives. We have to make ourselves accountable for the decisions we made, the words we spoke, the steps we trod.

This is our life. Not someone else's.

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