Special Chapter: Page 2

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Y/N and Sasha sneakily made their way into the training field, hiding themselves from their superiors especially from the Commandant. They are twenty minutes due to oversleeping. One of the girls in their bunk has been crying non stop and until dawn. Unfortunately, the two poor girls is located near her. So here they are, trying to stay awake and running silently without being noticed.

Today is just another sparring session which gave them both a hope that no one will ever notice them entering where the cadets are doing a spar. Their superiors are not giving too much attention to this anyway.

As they make their way, Sasha kept complaining about the breakfast they missed. Y/N on the other side, is scolding for making soft noises. If they get caught, not only breakfast is what they are going to miss, lunch is still on the list and if they are very lucky, the dinner is not an exception.

While walking, Y/N noticed that Sasha is no longer in her back anymore. She take a look behind her only to find an empty space, having a good smell on potatoes that are being cooked in the kitchen. Right, in the kitchen. Sasha is on the kitchen eating all of her fears just to steal one or more of her holy potatoes. Y/N mentally kills Sasha as she closes her eyes out of frustration. She is debating whether to move on or wait for her and hope to share with her food. But knowing her, waiting for her don't have any convenience. It's either they will be late for another twenty minutes or one of them will get caught.

"Fuck this potato girl, I can't leave you there alone but fine. Goodbye-"

"Who told you to gobble at the foods reserved for later?!"

Y/N practically sprinted away from the tension still concealing herself. Sasha is obviously being trapped by a superior, ready to face her punishment for stealing foods.

"That was close-"

"Why are you running?"

A certain man with monotone voice asked the startled girl crossing his arms. Y/N accidentally bumped into him. She felt a relief after seeing him at this moment and an embarrassment at the same time. How many times did he caught her in a situation like this? 10? 11? She can't count anymore.

"Are you in trouble again?"

"Sort of."

"Tch. Come on brat, I'm going to watch you train today. You better impress me or I will tell your instructor later that you are late."

Y/N pants heavily and dropped her gear onto the ground followed by her body. The clouds are getting darker as the training today has finished. She smiles proudly knowing that Levi is satisfied with her performances. Seeing his smirk and his head held up high, that's enough reason for her to no worry about the punishment and at least she made him exulting.

When she finally decided to get up, she proceeds to meet Levi in their secret place. When he is here, it is settled that they have to spend time to each other at this place. Levi always have a ton of works, but spending just a little time with this girl is more precious. Besides, he can only see her once a week, it's not bad to leave everything behind at his office for a little while.

"What took you so long?" Asked Levi when he finally heard her light footsteps.

"Jean and Eren angered each other again and I had to stop them."

"Tch those brats."

Levi tapped the empty space beside him motioning her to sit with him. Y/N smilingly walked towards him humming a sweet melody. Levi tensed up, the sound is so familiar. Y/N is so relaxed not caring about her companion's reaction. She also felt a familiarity hearing her own voice, it felt so warm lovely.

"When did you learn that?"

"I don't exactly remember. But only today with you when that song sounds so nicely."

Levi stares at her for a moment. She's happy- she is not just happy today. What's the matter? Levi is here the whole time watching her and nothing special happened except for her continues wins in a spar. Is there something that he doesn't know? Questions are starting to begged to be answered. But whatever the reason is, he's happy that she is doing fine.

"Three years flew so fast Levi. Do you still remember when you kissed me in the underground city?"

"And then you slapped me."

"I'm sorry about that. I won't do it again, I promise."

Y/N lifted her right hand showing her index finger as a sign of a promise. Instead of connecting his own finger to hers, he accepted her promise by doing the other thing. Levi gently placed his lips on hers. This time Y/N did not resist and welcomed him as she leans closer, wrapping her arms in his neck which Levi did the same to her waist supporting her.

As this scenery continues to play, the memories they had in the underground flashed in his mind. All the laughters and fights that happened, even those days when he realized that he is in love. This is so perfect.

I love you. These words are ringing in Levi's head. And it was always for her. Only for her.

Once they break apart and gasped for air, Levi is now smiling. What a good life he have with her.

"You're quite good at this Levi. How many girls did-"

"I've never done this to anyone except for you."


"Try to remember that."

And the rest of their free time was spent by Y/N bombarding him such questions about her life with him in the underground. *which he don't want to answer.

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