Chapter Ten

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An hour after taking breakfast to Avery's cabin, he met Avery by the truck. He thought he noticed a faint blush on Avery's cheeks when Avery smiled at him. It didn't surprise him at all that Avery probably had a crush on him.

"We're not going far today," Avery told him. "Mitch wants us to clean up the camp after last night's storm, so we're going to be picking up branches and removing a couple trees that came down."

He nodded and got to work. He was in a better mood today since he'd been able to sleep with Avery last night. The couple weeks he'd been here without sex had seemed like some of the longest of his life. Being at this camp hadn't helped either, and the whole experience was really testing him. Without Avery here to take the edge off, he'd probably have lost his mind by now.

He looked over at Avery, watching him while he collected branches and put them in the back of the truck. Avery bit his lip as he concentrated on getting a branch free from underneath a tree trunk, and Devin thought it was adorable. Then he shook his head. He'd never thought of a guy as adorable before. He'd never even used that word to describe anything. However, it did fit Avery. He was a cute guy, but just not Devin's type.

He thought back to last night. Avery hadn't been a bad lay, although he would have liked some more participation from him rather than just fussing about how things were too rough. Still, he'd gotten off and had been able to throw a guy around, so he knew he should be grateful to Avery for that. He resolved to treat Avery better going forward and to not make things so difficult for him.

His good mood lasted throughout the day and was apparently obvious to others, because Sam commented on it at dinner when he helped Amanda set out the food she had cooked.

"Wow, Devil, a nice gesture and no snarky comments from you. Did hell freeze over last night?"

He smirked in response. It amused him every time Sam called him 'Devil', although it earned her disapproving looks from Peter.

"I heard yesterday was your birthday," Amanda said. "Avery was making a cake for you when we came in to cook last night."

"Yeah," he responded. "I got steak for dinner too. It was nice."

"That would certainly put me in a good mood."

He noticed Avery looking at him, a tense expression on his face. He guessed that Avery was nervous he'd make an inappropriate comment about what else they did last night. Instead, he shrugged. "Avery's a nice guy," he said nonchalantly.

"I think that's something we can all agree on," Amanda said.


After dinner, he was walking back to his cabin when Avery caught up with him. "Thanks for not saying anything. You know, about us."

"No problem."

He watched as Avery went up the stairs to his cabin, and a thought came to him. It was Friday night, and he didn't want to be bored again all weekend. He figured he could at least spice things up tonight. He turned and took the steps up to Avery's cabin, causing Avery to turn around in the doorway.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

Avery stepped inside and let him through, closing the door after him. "What's up?"

"Wanna fuck again?"

Avery's expression became guarded. "Devin, that was a one time thing. We can't do that again."

"You said that about blowing each other, and look how that's turned out."

"I know. But we shouldn't have. This is my job, and I can't do these things with you."

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