Chapter Fifteen

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After that night, he spent every night in Avery's cabin. Somewhere along the way, he started to find that he liked the guy. Sure, Avery was a little overly optimistic about everything, way into the outdoors, weirdly obsessive about salmon, and a goody-two-shoes rule follower, but he really cared about everyone around him. Devin had never met someone so selfless and willing to help others, even if it was at Avery's own expense. 

He liked being around Avery, and although he'd never admit it, he enjoyed the physical contact with him. And not just sex, but cuddling with Avery in bed. Sometimes he felt as though he liked the cuddling more than the sex, which scared him. He'd always been all about sex and had never wanted any kind of romantic or emotional intimacy. Avery was the first guy he'd ever spent the night with and the first guy he'd wanted to be affectionate with.

He had the feeling that some of this experience was new for Avery too. He saw the lustful way Avery looked at him, especially when he was laying in Avery's bed with the sheet pulled up to his waist. Avery would stare at his body, seeming to drink him in with his eyes. He'd eventually straddle Devin's legs and kiss and touch his chest, his hands all over. He'd pay extra attention to Devin's hips and lower abs before rubbing Devin through the sheet, looking at him as though Devin were a present he wanted to unwrap. Avery would finally pull down the sheet and take Devin into his mouth, moaning as though he were the one on the receiving end. Devin loved the attention. No one else had ever worshiped his body like Avery.

It had been around two months since he'd started at the camp. Time seemed to go by faster now that he was spending most of his days and nights with Avery. Tonight, it was raining and he and Avery were laying in Avery's bed. He put one thigh over Avery's legs and wrapped his arms around him. Squeezing tightly, he pulled Avery closer, enveloping him with his body.

"I didn't think this was your thing," Avery murmured.

"What isn't?"

"Cuddling. You told me from the start that you just hook up. You don't let guys stay over."

"I guess I'm breaking my rules for you. You're like a body pillow. Or a stuffed animal." 

He squeezed tighter and nuzzled the back of Avery's neck, starting to kiss it sloppily. He was addicted to holding Avery like this and feeling Avery's smaller body pressed up against his. He felt like he couldn't get enough.

Avery twisted in his arms and began kissing him back, and it wasn't long before Avery was riding him. He loved to lay back and watch Avery move. It was the perfect position to run his hands all over Avery's soft skin and play with him until Avery's moans brought them both to the edge. As they finished and Avery let himself collapse down onto Devin's chest, Devin had to finally admit to himself what he'd suspected for the past couple weeks. He was falling for Avery, and it terrified him.


He wasn't sure what to make of the past few weeks. Devin had spent every single night in his cabin, and it wasn't just for sex. They hooked up at least half of the time, but other than that it was just Devin cuddling him and the two of them sleeping. The guy had come around quite a bit considering that he apparently wasn't the sentimental type.

Although he knew nothing would come of the situation, he couldn't stop himself from developing feelings for Devin. Devin was the hottest guy who had ever paid attention to him. He was confident and didn't worry about things or let what other people might think of him hold him back. He lived his life exactly how he wanted to. Despite his mean streak, Avery was convinced that deep down Devin was a good person. He had seen glimpses of it, like when Devin brought him breakfast or when Devin let his guard down and snuggled up against him at night.

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