Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A few hours later, he heard a knock on his door. Hoping it would be Avery, he hurried to open it, but it was Peter.

"Hey Devin," Peter said. "We heard about Avery's new job and we're all celebrating in the kitchen. I hope you'll join us. That was a big thing you did for Avery. I wish you hadn't ruined his project in the first place, but I appreciate that you fixed it and found a way to get him involved in something bigger."

Devin nodded. "He deserves it."

"Damn right he does."

"I'll be there in a few minutes," he told Peter. "I appreciate you letting me know about it."

As he watched Peter walk back to the main building, he felt good that he'd at least earned Peter's respect for this. He wasn't sure how the others had reacted and if they'd ever forgive him. He knew Sam probably wouldn't.

When he made his way over and entered the kitchen, he saw a ton of food on the table, including a cake and champagne. As he approached, he got nods from Amanda and Marc, and Avery turned and waved at him, a huge smile on his face.

He got some food and sat away from the rest of them, just watching. He was pleased to see Avery so happy. He was also glad that everyone was supportive of Avery, even though it meant Avery would be leaving the camp. But it'd be hard not to love Avery and want the best for him, so he couldn't imagine their coworkers acting any differently.

When he finished his food, he took one last long glance at Avery, and then he quietly slipped out of the building and went back to his cabin. His work here was done. He picked up his bag that he'd packed earlier, left the key in the cabin, and began walking down the gravel road that led into the camp. His last day had been a week ago, and he had signed everything and been cleared to leave, but he'd asked to stay on an extra week. He hadn't finished Avery's project yet, and he knew he wasn't going to leave until it was done.

After walking about a quarter mile he found his dad, who was surveying the creek.

"Hey, dad."

Logan turned around and smiled at him. "You ready to go? I've got a few more measurements to make and then I can pack up."

He nodded and set his bag down so he could help his dad with the final measurements. He could tell his dad was proud of him and impressed that he was helping without being asked, but even that knowledge couldn't cheer him up. He had been trying not to think about leaving and what it meant, but now he couldn't stop his thoughts from racing. He might never see Avery again, and even if he did, it wouldn't be the same. His time at the camp felt like it had been a lifetime. He didn't know how he was going to go back to his normal life - a life without Avery.

As he and his dad put the surveying equipment and his bag in the back of the SUV, he felt like someone was squeezing his heart.

"You say your goodbyes?" his dad asked.

Lying, he nodded.

"I bet you're happy to finally be getting out of here."

"Yeah," he said. Another lie.

"I know this wasn't ideal for you, but I was hoping you'd get something out of it. It seems like you did, even if it took a couple months. You did a good thing today, and I'm proud of you. Avery seems like a very bright, motivated young man."

"He is. You won't be disappointed."


He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so happy. Everything had turned around today - his project was done, he'd been able to share his ideas with someone who could implement them, and he'd been offered a job. He couldn't believe it.

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