Chapter Thirteen

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He was not pleased upon finding out that not only was he assigned to someone other than Avery today, but he was assigned to work with Sam.

She glared at him as he approached her truck. "Just so you know, I didn't ask for this. But I'll gladly do it if it keeps you away from Avery."

"Good luck with that. I've got him wrapped around my finger. And if you want to keep me away from him, you're going to have to start locking me in my cabin at night."

"See, this is exactly why I wanted everyone to know what was going on!" Sam raged. "Avery should never have been allowed to work with a predator like you."

"Oh, so now gay men are predators?"

Sam narrowed her eyes. "Don't play the minority card with me."

"It's so easy to get you riled up," he said, rolling his eyes as he got in the passenger seat of the truck. 

Sam got in the driver's seat, looking like she wanted to stab him.

As she started driving, he put his feet up on the dashboard. "I'm not forcing Avery into anything. You can't force someone who wants to participate. I know you see him as an innocent little brother, but he's a guy. If someone offers sex, he's going to take it. You all think he's an angel, but he's human too. And no, he's not wrapped around my finger. He's stronger than you give him credit for."

"Why do you have to make shit up like that though? You say stuff all the time to stir everyone up."

"Cause it's easy. Keeps me entertained."

She shook her head. "You're beyond hope."

"Avery doesn't think so."

"Avery doesn't think anyone is beyond hope. You're not special."

They drove in silence for the next few minutes.

"Peter says we're supposed to work together today so we can work things out and get along," she said, breaking the silence.

He scoffed. "Fat chance of that happening."

"I knew that's what you'd say. There's no point to any of this."

"There's no point to it because you've hated me since day one."

"And you've hated everyone."

"I don't hate you all. I hate being here. It's just not my thing."

"You could, you know, try a little harder," Sam said. "We're not exactly going to warm up to you if you insult the work we do. Peter has been doing this his whole life. And it's Avery's passion."

"Yeah, I know. He takes personal offense to it every time I make a comment about the camp that's anything short of saying it's the best place in the world."

"You're just a privileged asshole," she muttered. "One of those people who gets everything handed to him."

His eyes narrowed at her comment, which hit way too close to home. "And you're an uptight know-it-all who thinks you're right about everything and has to get involved in everyone's business."

"It's my business if it involves my friends getting hurt!" she snapped.

"Relax. I'm not hurting Avery. Well," he smirked. "Maybe a few bruises here and there when the sex gets too rough."

He almost collided with the dashboard when Sam slammed on the brakes, causing the truck to fishtail on the gravel road and come to a complete stop.

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