Chapter Sixteen

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After Devin's footsteps had faded away, he let the tears fall. He didn't want to spend time being upset about this, but it hurt more than anything else he'd experienced in the last couple years. On some level he'd known Devin was using him, but he'd had no idea Devin wasn't attracted to him at all and thought so little of him. Pathetic. The word rang in his ears.

He thought of the moments he'd shared with Devin in bed, how he'd let his guard down and felt a real connection. Devin had been affectionate with him and seemed to enjoy looking at him and touching his body, but apparently none of that had been real. In Devin's mind, he was just slumming it and hooking up with him because he literally had no other option. Devin had probably laughed about it later and told his cousin everything. He felt so stupid now.

He should have known better. He'd been right on the first day when Devin arrived - a man like that would never be interested in someone like him. He thought about how lately he'd wished Devin could be his boyfriend. It had been so delusional, and he was just embarrassed now. Devin didn't want him. It made sense why he had tried to go after Marc even though Marc wasn't gay.

Thinking back over everything, he wouldn't put it past Devin to claim that he was breaking his rules about cuddling and letting guys stay over in order to continue having sex with him. It was just another technique for Devin to get what he wanted, even if he had to lie and pretend to get it.

He splashed his face with water from the creek before heading back to his cabin. Luckily, no one was around to see him. He didn't bother to brush his teeth or change into pajamas when he got inside. He just laid down and faced the wall. His heart was broken. He'd liked Devin so much and had felt so close to him, and now knowing that his feelings were one-sided was crushing. He buried his face in the pillow and tried to muffle his cries.


After he'd left Avery by the creek, he headed to his cabin to get Carter. Carter was laying on his bed, arms behind his head and his shoes on the blanket. 

"Is everything okay?"

He sighed. "I don't know. That was Avery, the one I've been hooking up with."

"I guess you're not going to be hooking up with him anymore. Sorry, dude."

He shrugged, pretending as though he didn't care. "Let's get going."

"That I can agree with. This is like a prison cell. You're going to love the hotel I booked after staying in this dump."

On the drive there, he tried to focus on catching up with Carter, but his mind was partially on Avery. He didn't know how he was going to begin to fix this. Avery hadn't even given him a chance to explain, but if he had, Devin wasn't sure what he would have said. As much as he could try to explain it, it was still going to hurt Avery either way.

At the club, he tried his best to forget and to take advantage of being outside of the camp. Carter was at a VIP table surrounded by women, so he went out on the dance floor. As usual, he had to turn down several women, but he finally caught the eye of a buff man with dark hair. The man looked him up and down and came over, leaving his drink behind at the bar. They started grinding, not needing to bother with introductions.

Twenty minutes later, he was opening the door to his hotel room and letting the man push him inside. He slammed the man up against the wall so hard that the painting on the wall shook and threatened to fall.

The man peeled off Devin's shirt and then his own, revealing huge muscles and a tattoo on his right pec. At that moment, he suddenly thought of Avery with his slight build and soft, creamy skin. He forced himself to focus.

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