Chapter Nineteen

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He woke up in the middle of the night and realized he was in Avery's bed. He knew he wasn't supposed to be here, and the right thing to do would be to leave, but he immediately reached for Avery and pulled him close instead. He'd missed holding him, and even though he knew Avery didn't want to do anything like this anymore, he couldn't help himself. He finally felt content having his arms around Avery's compact body. 

He pressed his nose against Avery's hair and breathed in, and then placed a kiss on the back of Avery's neck. It had been so difficult to control himself when he gave Avery a massage. Having his hands all over Avery's body and feeling Avery's hands on his body made him hard, and it had been a struggle to hide that from Avery.

Avery shifted slightly, and he realized Avery was waking up. He knew he'd have to leave and go back to his own cabin, but he wished this moment didn't have to end.

"I guess we fell asleep," he said to Avery. "I hope you're not mad."

He felt Avery sigh. "It's no one's fault," he said sleepily. "We should get up though."

Avery turned in his arms so they were facing each other. Through Avery's dazed, sleepy expression, he could see the familiar lust in Avery's eyes. Part of him was surprised it was still there after everything that had happened, but he was grateful nonetheless. He knew he shouldn't, but he leaned forward, his lips brushing Avery's. 

"Just tell me no, and I'll leave," he whispered.

Avery swallowed hard, but didn't move his face away from Devin's.

He kissed Avery gently, Avery's lips pillow soft against his. "I can go," he said, before kissing Avery again.

"Okay," Avery whispered back, barely breathing. He pressed his lips to Devin's and Devin kissed back with the same amount of light pressure.

As difficult as it was to hold back, he kept kissing Avery softly, until Avery broke and opened his mouth, pressing forward and kissing him harder, his tongue meeting Devin's lips.

He knew that Avery would fold if they kept going, but he wanted it to be Avery's lead. As they made out, Avery moaned and pressed against him, and he could feel just how turned on Avery was.

"I should be leaving," he murmured.


Avery rolled on top of him, his resolve finally breaking completely. His hips thrust against Devin's as his hands began to wander all over Devin's torso.

He let Avery have control. It wasn't long before Avery's hands were at the waistband of his pants, trying to pull them off. He raised his hips to help, then moaned as Avery sank back down onto him after removing his own pants. The skin on skin contact was amazing.

He was about to reach over to the nightstand to get lube and a condom when Avery pulled away and groaned. "I don't have any condoms. I gave them to Sam."

"It's okay," he replied. He pushed himself backwards and down the length of Avery's body. Before Avery could say anything else, he took Avery into his mouth. If they couldn't have sex, he was still going to do everything he could to make Avery feel amazing.

"Devin," Avery moaned. He put his hands in Devin's hair, taking care to be gentle, as he always was.

Over the next few minutes, he took his time exploring every inch of Avery with his tongue. Tasting Avery and watching him writhe on the bed was so hot that he had to convince himself not to come. He could tell Avery was right on the edge, so he bobbed his head faster. He felt Avery arch his back and Avery cried out, whimpering his name over and over. As Avery's body relaxed, he gently kissed up Avery's abs and chest. He wanted his lips to touch every inch of Avery's soft skin. 

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