Chapter Twenty-One

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He knew that Peter had suggested he rest, but he couldn't stop himself from worrying about Devin. He was too anxious to just sit in his cabin, so he started deep cleaning the kitchen. It was the least he could do for failing to keep Devin from causing more problems.

The thing he didn't want to think about was that he and Devin hooking up was a problem in itself. Sleeping with Devin was likely causing Devin to feel like he could get away with things and get special treatment. He knew that he should put a stop to it, but he was so weak when it came to Devin. He knew it was selfish, but he didn't want to stop having sex with Devin or stop sleeping next to him. He really liked Devin cuddling him all night and he didn't want to give that up.

But continuing with all of this was only going to hurt him in the end. He'd have to say goodbye to Devin eventually, and after that he wouldn't have anyone by his side at night. It would be as if the entire thing had been just a dream. He was torn between wanting to enjoy it while it lasted or slowly pulling away from Devin. He didn't know what to do.

Before he could think on it further, Sam and Amanda came into the kitchen. 

"Did Devin actually steal a truck?!" Sam asked.

Nodding, he sighed and plopped down into one of the chairs.

"We've never had anything like this happen," Amanda said, joining him at the table.

"Mitch is going to rip him a new one. This might be the moment Devin finally gets sent home," Sam said gleefully. "I can't wait to see what happens."

"He's done for," Marc said, walking into the kitchen. "I just heard."

As his coworkers discussed the situation, he got up and began making dinner. His problem of not knowing what to do with Devin might not be a problem anymore if Mitch actually sent him home early. He didn't want to think about that, so he focused on preparing the food instead.

Just as they were taking the first few bites of their food, Devin finally pulled back in, five hours after he'd left. They all watched with bated breath as Mitch stormed out of his office. His words were clearly heard, even though he was now outside by the truck.

"Where have you been?!" Mitch yelled. "In my office, now!"


Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the cooler and followed Mitch inside, not making eye contact with anyone else. He sat in the chair in front of Mitch's desk and let Mitch yell for a while, something about liability and the truck and him not being insured or authorized to drive it off the property. He'd been yelled at plenty of times in his life, so he was an expert at tuning it out.

"Where were you?" Mitch asked again, finally ending his tirade.

"Out for a drive."

"Devin! I'm serious. What were you doing?"

"I just wanted some time off, okay?"

"If you need time off, you ask first! I hope it was worth it, because you're going to spend this entire weekend working."

He stared at Mitch, giving no reaction to his punishment.

"What's in the cooler?" Mitch asked.


Mitch leaned forward and grabbed it. When he opened it and lifted one of the pints out, his expression turned to one of confusion. He opened the lid to see what was inside.

"This is Avery's favorite ice cream," Mitch said.


Mitch put the lid back on and set it down. "This is all you bought?"

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