Chapter Eleven

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As hard as he tried to forget about last night and the weird feeling he'd had, he found he couldn't get his encounter with Avery out of his head. All day Saturday his thoughts kept returning to how good he'd felt, not just sexually, but in general. It had been nice to have someone look at him the way Avery had, and not just the lustful way that Avery looked at his body as he undressed him, but the way Avery looked at his face and his reactions. Avery had cared about his experience and how he felt, and he did that not by asking him, but by observing.

In his other experiences, any eye contact had been intense stares or a flirtatious glance before sex started. No one had made eye contact during it, and certainly not the way Avery did. Avery seemed like he wanted to make a connection with him that was more than just physical.

All the things Avery had done had felt great. With other men, it had felt like they were fighting each other to get themselves off. With Avery, it felt like everything Avery did was to give both of them pleasure and to work together to get each other off.

The caring way that Avery had sex with him, with all the softness and long, slow movements wasn't his thing at all, but for some strange reason, he found himself craving that again. Before he knew what he was doing, he was knocking on the door to Avery's cabin.

Avery opened the door, standing there in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. Without asking, Devin pushed his way inside.

"Are there condoms left?" he asked.

"There are. But we still have to do it my way. I'm not doing the rough thing again."

He nodded and pulled off his shirt, then dropped his pants and got into Avery's bed, already half hard. Avery looked like he wanted to say something, but then seemed to change his mind. As Avery stripped off his clothes, he watched and admired Avery's slight body. He wanted to put his hands on Avery's skin and feel the velvet softness beneath his fingertips.

On the bed, Avery crawled towards him before sitting on his legs, straddling him. Devin leaned back against the headboard and watched as Avery got himself ready, and he closed his eyes when Avery rolled a condom onto him. Every gentle touch from Avery was like a shock of pleasure.

They were face to face as Avery started to ride him. He stared into Avery's big blue eyes, and he felt the same way as last night when his stomach felt like it was in knots. Avery leaned forward and kissed him, his mouth moving slowly and softly against Devin's, and his tongue lightly brushed against Devin's lips as if he were asking for permission. Hungrily, Devin opened his mouth and brushed his tongue against Avery's.

He moved with Avery, thrusting up into him with a gentle motion. Their kiss deepened and he felt Avery's arms around the back of his neck. He wrapped his arms around Avery, pulling him closer as they both began to quicken the pace. Having so much of their skin touching and their bodies pressed against each other seemed to amplify the pleasure.

"Devin," Avery moaned, breaking the kiss.

He reached between them and stroked Avery as they moved together, listening as Avery's moans grew louder. When they both came, he didn't want the sensations to end. But when they did, he relaxed against the headboard. He didn't try to move when Avery put his head on his shoulder, and he kept his arms around Avery. He never would have thought something like this would be nice, but he was enjoying it. It was peaceful and comforting in a way. He tightened his arms around Avery and they stayed like that until he felt himself start to fall asleep.

"I should get up," he mumbled, not sure that he actually wanted to.

Avery got off him and out of the bed, looking like he had been half asleep. "Okay. I'm getting in the shower."

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