Chapter Twelve

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The following night, Devin showed up to dinner, took some food and left. Avery had been hoping that Devin would sit with everyone, but he was beginning to understand that some nights Devin just wanted to chill by himself in his cabin. He couldn't blame him, since the others had little patience for Devin after getting to know him and working with him. He'd have to try harder to encourage everyone to get along.

When there was a brief lull in conversation, Sam looked his way. "Avery."

"Uh huh?"

"I have a question for you. I know it's probably none of my business, but did I see Devin leaving your cabin early this morning?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

He immediately felt his face turn red. It's not that he was trying to hide what he and Devin were doing, but he had to admit that he'd rather no one else know. He didn't want to get in trouble for it.

"Okay, look, I can't exactly blame you," she continued. "We all know how difficult it is to be out here without anyone. I rarely see my boyfriend, and some of us aren't with anyone at all. So I get it. And I know it has to be even harder for you, since your options are limited as a gay man, but....Devin?"

"I'm sorry. I know it's not professional," he apologized, finally speaking.

"I don't think that's what she's worried about," Marc cut in. "We're not going to think any less of you professionally. You're the hardest worker we've got, and nothing changes that."

"Hey, if I was single and there was a hot guy here, I'd be all over that," Sam said. "But Marc's right, it's not that you're hooking up with someone here, it's that it's Devin. I mean, seriously? Devil? Of all people?"

"Alright, leave him alone," Peter said. "Avery doesn't need to explain himself."

"Sorry, Avery," Sam apologized. "But I just have to know one more thing - did he force you into this? He's a bit of a bully, so it wouldn't surprise me."

He shook his head, feeling his face heat up even more. "I'm not going to do anything I don't want to."

She looked skeptical. "Promise me that you'll come to us if he gives you trouble, okay?"

Just when he thought the situation couldn't get any more awkward, Devin chose that moment to appear. Judging by the smirk on his face, he'd overheard enough of the conversation to know exactly what was being discussed.

"Avery's definitely not as innocent as you all think he is," Devin said, clearly amused with himself.

"Enough!" Marc barked.

Avery stood up from the table, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"Avery," Amanda said, gently putting a hand on his arm.

"I'm...I'm gonna go," he said, his face burning. He left his food on the table and quickly walked out of the building.


If looks could kill, Sam's expression would have murdered him ten times over. "You are such a bastard," she hissed.

"Nah, that'd be you," he said. "You're the one who embarrassed him by bringing this up in front of everyone."

He saw the sheer rage emanating off Sam lose its bluster for just a second, and he knew he'd gotten to her. And he knew she knew he was right.

"You could have had a little more tact," he continued, shrugging. "Maybe talked to him personally instead of announcing to everyone he works with that he's fucking the volunteer."

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