Chapter Eighteen

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He wasn't surprised when he came out to the truck the next morning to find Marc waiting for him instead of Avery. It was probably for the best to let Avery cool off, especially since he still needed to figure out what to say to Avery to properly apologize to him. He knew he owed him at least that much.

"Keep your hands to yourself and we won't have any problems," Marc told him as they got in the truck.

Rather than returning a snarky remark, he kept quiet. He was determined to do a better job in general, and not just with Avery. Avery would think something was up if Devin was cooperating with him, but was slacking off when working with the others.

Keeping his head down and getting all of his work done paid off, at least with Marc. It earned him a "good job" and a friendly slap on the shoulder when they returned to camp. 

At dinner, he ate quietly, keeping to himself and avoiding Avery's eyes. Avery seemed happy as he talked with everyone else, so he didn't want to do anything to change that. Avery's eyes were bright and his laugh was infectious, and he snuck glances at Avery whenever he could. He wanted to be the one making Avery laugh, but he knew he had to be patient.


Over the next few days, he alternated working with Marc, Amanda, and Peter. He and Marc were content to work in silence, but Peter and Amanda were more chatty with him. They really were nice people, and he felt bad for judging all of them without getting to know them. 

As they were all sitting down for dinner that night, he noticed Avery wasn't there yet. He was about to ask where he was when Avery came through the door. He was walking slowly, almost as if it hurt him to move.

"What's with Avery?" he asked Amanda.

"He's been repairing one of our roads. We don't have the funding to have it officially maintained every summer, so we have to fill in the potholes and ruts ourselves. It's a big project and fairly demanding physically. No one ever wants to do it, but Avery has stepped up both years he's been here."

He found himself feeling mildly annoyed at the group for leaving tiny Avery to do this particular project. Avery certainly held his own whenever Devin worked with him, but he wasn't a big guy and the work was probably taking him longer than someone Devin's size or larger.

"How's the road coming along?" Peter asked.

"It's getting there," Avery replied, his voice bright despite how tired he looked. "I fixed that really bad hairpin turn, but it'll probably take a few more days to finish the rest."

He decided right then that as long as Avery would allow it, he was going to help him tomorrow. It was painful watching Avery make his way through dinner as though every muscle in his body was stiff.

After dinner, he ran outside to catch up to Avery, which wasn't difficult given Avery's snail-like pace.

"Avery!" he called.

Slowly, Avery turned.

"What you did today sounds rough. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll be better in a couple of days."

"Do you want a massage?"

Avery looked at him warily, as if Devin were going to trick him.

"I promise that's all this is. Come on, I'll even give you a piggyback ride to your cabin." He stepped in front of Avery and knelt down. "Get on."

He was relieved when he felt Avery's arms around his shoulders. He reached back and grabbed Avery's legs to support him, and then stood up again.

"Thanks," Avery said quietly. "I can't say I've ever been carried back to my cabin after a tough day."

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