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"It couldn't be that bad" Narcissa rolled her eyes as her friend told them about her summer

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"It couldn't be that bad" Narcissa rolled her eyes as her friend told them about her summer

"Trust me, my brother is bloody annoying" Veronica laughed as she remembered that summer's events

"Bloody hot, I would say" Narcissa added making her girl friend roll her eyes

"Ridiculous" Lucius Malfoy snickered

"Don't be jealous, Malfoy" Veronica playfully shoved the blonde

In that sixth year Slytherin compartment were the most popular Hogwarts students, the leaders of Slytherin and most of the best students of the school. Their popularity could only be matched by a certain group of four Gryffindors, the marauders.

But the leader of that group was not even the prideful Lucius Malfoy, it was Veronica Riddle. The charming and cunning Slytherin whose physical appearance and personality reminded most of the professors of her uncle, Tom Riddle.

"I presume we have a meeting to attend, Malfoy" Veronica said showing her prefect badge proudly

"After you" Lucius stood up and both of them left for the prefect compartment

The Slytherins were of course late, fashionably late. But nonetheless, they earned glares from the rest of the prefects that were eagerly waiting for them to show up.

"It was about time!" The Gryffindor prefect, Lily Evans whined when both Slytherins entered the compartment

"Shut up, filthy mudblood!" Lucius exclaimed clearly pissed at the red head

"I can now see why you Gryffindors are said to be brave, talking to us that way" Veronica practically laughed at Lily's face "besides, where is your fellow prefect?" She asked innocently

In that exact moment the door flew open, only to show James Potter with a shiny prefect badge.

"Ah, there he is!" Lucius laughed at Lily's red face

"Nice of you to join us, Potter. Now can you give that prefect badge to your friend so we can start?" Veronica said annoyed with the boy

"What?" He asked confused

"Not even a bloody idiot couldn even think of making you prefect, that badge clearly belongs to Lupin" Veronica stated. She knew that Gryffindor's most brilliant student was Remus Lupin, not prankster James Potter.

"Well, for your information Riddle, I made prefect. It's going to be a pleasure working with you" he charmingly smiled to the Slytherin as he made his way towards Lily Evans "Hey Evans" he put his arm around her but the ginger shoved it with a frown

The meeting was eventful with both Lucius and Veronica arguing with the Ravenclaws while Potter tried to flirt with Lily every two seconds, only to be rejected, while the Hufflepuffs just laughed at the situation.

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