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bohemian rhapsody

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bohemian rhapsody

The days at the Potters passed quickly, Veronica was as happy as ever. Euphemia and Fleamont were easily the kindest of purebloods she's ever met and she could see how much they adored their son, they were a great family.

One morning the Potters left to do some shopping, leaving Sirius and Veronica alone in the house. The two were sitting on the sofa, Veronica reading an article the Daily Prophet about a muggle family that was murdered with what seemed like the Killing Curse.

"You shouldn't read that" Sirius told his friend

Veronica sighed and looked at the boy that was casually putting his hair in a bun on the top of his head.

"It was him, Sirius" she replied

"I know, but right now there's nothing you can do" he turned to face her "if your brother told you to stay here because you are safer, that's exactly what you should do" the boy place a hand on her shoulder

Veronica knew he was right. Two days before Nathaniel had sent an owl to his sister telling her to remain at the Potters, her family had basically moved to Malfoy Manor and made it their headquarters. He knew Veronica would be safer in Godric's Hollow.

"You're afraid" Sirius interrupted her thoughts

"No, I'm-"

"Oh for God's sake Ronnie, you are. You can lie to everyone but not to me" The boy interrupter her giving her a winning smile

"Okay fine" she groaned resting her head on the couch

"You know you can talk to me right? and James" Sirius told her

"Since when are you so wise Sirius?" Veronica asked the boy after a few moments of silence

"I'm just trying to help you. I know what it feels like" Sirius replied laughing a little at her previous statement. He knew what it felt like to be different than your family, to not be liked by them and even if Veronica claimed she was her family's pride, she knew she was wrong. She was just a weapon for them.

"Thank you" she smiled truthfully

Right in that moment the door opened loudly and in just a few seconds James Potter jumped on top of Sirius and Veronica.

"I missed you, my two favourite people" he said

"Ouch, poor Moony and Wormtail" Sirius joked as James rolled his eyes

"What have you two been doing?" He asked sitting up straight

"Reading the Daily Prophet" Veronica replied smiling at the boy

"We missed you so much, Prongs" Sirius said sarcastically matching his friends' energy

The three of them laughed at this and after a few moments James was the one to speak.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" The boy asked raising his glasses

"I know somewhere" Veronica smirked


"Muggle London again?" James groaned when the three appeared at the Botton of the Big Ben

"You loved it the last time we came" Veronica replied

"Mate, she knows this city better than a Muggle, get used to it" Sirius Black patted his friend back

The day couldn't go better. The three teens went to a coffee shop, to a recode store and just walked through the city. Veronica laughed at James and Sirius' confusion over some muggle inventions while the two just kept repeating how ingenious they were.

Veronica remembered the first time she brought James there and smiled. It was just before things started going wrong, going darker. But she knew that day in London would be one of the last few days of happiness they would have. Something was happening, her uncle and her father where planning something big and she knew she was a part of it in their plan.

• • •

"Sirius ready?" Veronica asked him as she got on top of the bed

Euphemia and Fleamont had left for the night, leaving the three teens by themselves. Sirius and Veronica then thought it was the perfect time to blast Queen with the record player they had bought in London.

"C'mon baby!" He cheered

"Oh Melin! Can you two shut up?" James whined

"Live a little James" Veronica smiled at him from the top of his bed

James just smiled back as he saw his two best friends doing an air guitar on top of his bed. The moment was just perfect.

"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye" Sirius sang on top of his lungs

"So you think you can love me and leave me to die" It was now Veronica's turn to sing and she did it right in fromt of James, smiling happily at him

Just when the song finished Sirius and Veronica collapsed on the bed, next to James.

"How do you even know that song Pads?" James asked his friend

"Everyone knows Queen, not only Muggles. You are just lame" he said making Veronica laugh

"Oh, shut up" James threw a pillow at him

"Well, I'm going to bed...I'll just leave you two to it" Sirius left the room winking at his friends

Veronica and James then turned bright red but they still stayed together.

"I had fun today" James spoke first

"I did too" Veronica moved so James could throw an arm around her and she snuggled close to him

"Things are going to be bad, right? When we go back to Hogwarts" he asked her

"Probably" Veronica sighed sadly. She wanted this moment to never end.

"Well, I'll be by your side" James kissed the girl's forehead

"Me too, James" she smiled and hugged him tighter

They wanted to stay like that forever.

• • •

Just a little Sirius and Ronnie bonding with some Queen

- chanel x

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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