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"Good morning class!" Slughorn entered the Potions classroom quickly

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"Good morning class!" Slughorn entered the Potions classroom quickly

"Here it goes" Theodore Nott groaned beside Veronica

"I thought you liked potions" she said

"I'm bloody tired today" Nott replied resting his head on the table making Veronica laugh

Veronica took noted of everything Slughorn said, he was talking about the potions there were going to make for their NEWT's exams.

"Can anyone tell me which potion is this?" Slughorn asked

Veronica looked up from her notes and as soon as she saw it she knew which Potion was.

"Amortentia" she replied with a shiver going down her spine

That potion was the reason her father could not feel anything and indirectly what made her a product of yet another loveless union.

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world, it causes deep infatuation to the drinker but never a connection, never produces real love. It is considered a very dangerous potion and it smells different to everyone, according to what attracts them" Veronica replied. If anyone in that class was an expert in Amortentia, that was her.

"Very good Ms. Riddle, ten points to Slytherin!" Slughorn announced

Then Slughorn made all his students tell what the Amortentia smelled for them to show that it was a different smeel depending on the person.

Veronica stood behind in the line, she knew her father and uncle didn't smell anything in their Amortentias, they couldn't feel love and she was afraid she would be the same and not smell anything.

"Potter, go ahead" when Slughorn motioned Potter to smell his Amortentia a lot of girls looked up eager to know what the mightly James Potter love or better, who did he love.

"I smell...roses and vanilla" James stated and Veronica could see how Lily Evans' face fell, she did not smell like roses and vanilla "and some kind of expensive feminine perfume" James said now walking away from the Amortentia, a confused frown on his made matching the rest of the class

Lily Evans did not smell like that and no one knew who did, only Narcissa Black had a knowing smirk showing on her face.

"Riddle" Slughorn said making Veronica shiver, she didn't want to"Relax" the Professor tried to relax his student. He knew why she was so nervous

Veronica stood down a bit and took in the scent of the Amortentia. She was happy at first, she could smell something, but then she realised she did not know what she smelled, or who smelled like that.

"Fresh grass, hot chocolate and...smoke like the one of a fireplace" she announced confused. Everyone looked at her, that was not a common smell for a Slytherin.

But neither was James' for a Gryffindor.

• • •

"It was Malfoy, Cissy, don't sweat it" Veronica commented about her friends' Amortentia

"I mean the cologne was his, that I'm sure of" Narcissa stated "I'm also sure that Lily Evans doesn't wear expensive femenine perfume" the blonde quoted James

"What?" Veronica faked confusion

"Don't play dumb with me Ronnie, we all know who smells like roses, vanilla and expensive perfume" Narcissa said making Veronica sigh, she could not lie to her best friend

"I can't believe it was me, I mean James Potter smelling me. But I have to admit Evans' face was hilarious" Veronica laughed

"Look I want to be your friend even if I don't support it. I've noticed how you spend more time with them and I can't blame you, you were really good friends with my cousin when we were little. But still, the Slytherins may not take it very good" Narcissa explained

"I know and it's not like I'm going to marry him tomorrow, I don't even know if I like him, if I can like him I just know there is a connection" Veronica said thinking about that day in the Room of Requirement reading muggle books

"I know Ronnie, I just want you to be happy" Narcissa hugged her friend

"Thank you, Cissy" Veronica hugged her back but they were interrupted when the door opened revealing a pale blond boy making Narcissa blush

"We have prefect duties" Lucius Malfoy announced making Veronica stand up and leave with him

• • •

It was a calm night, Lucius and Veronica has only found a group of lost Hufflepuff first years and two Ravenclaws snogging in a brooms closet.

They were ending their prefect duties when they walked by the Astronomy Tower and they found a figure looking up at the stars alone. Veronica knew who that was.

"Go back to the dungeons Malfoy, I'll handle this one" Veronica said noticing Malfoy's tired face

"Okay, goodnight Riddle" Malfoy said walking down the stairs

Veronica walked slowly towards the edge of the Astronomy Tower where James Potter stood agains the railing looking up at the stars.

"Oh, how the tables have turned" Veronica said making Potter turn around abruptly

"Riddle, are you going to take points away from Gryffindor?" James Potter shot her a smirk

"Yes, but I'm also going to ask you why you are here all alone at this time of the night" She said walking closer to the boy

"I wanted to think and I remembered the day you told me you came here exactly to do that and I though well, this is a good place" James Potter explained

"It's the best part of the castle" Veronica stood against the railing "I love Astronomy, it's one of my favourite subjects" she told him

"I can see why" James Potter said looking up at the sky standing closer to her

Silence fell amongst them but the two teens didn't care. They stood there in comfortable silence admiring the stars.

"What were you thinking about?" Veronica turned to face him and noticed they were mere inches apart


• • •

It's not a Harry Potter fanfiction without an amortentia chapter and even if they are so cliche, I love them all hahaha

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