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guardian angel

guardian angel

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"Ugh...did I die? Is this hell? Because there's no way I'm going to heaven" Veronica opened her eyes and tried to adjust to the sunlight but her head hurt like hell.

"Good morning" Veronica opened her eyes fully and saw Remus Lupin standing next to the bed she was in

"Remus Lupin? Are you my guardian angel?" She asked the boy who just chuckled

"You didn't die Veronica" Remus laughed at the girl

"Where am I?" She stood up and saw all the red and yellow in the room and three other boys starting to wake up

"Gryffindor" Remus replied "Here, take this" he handed her a glass with some liquid inside

"Are you going to poison me?" Veronica asked earning a laugh from the beds beside her

"It's just for your hungover" Remus replied

"You should trust him, he let you sleep in his bed after all" Sirius Black said

"Wait, what?" Veronica stood up quickly

"You don't remember anything do you?" James asked her

"I was at the party in Slytherin and we were playing truth or dare" she replied "Oh Merlin, I did not end up here" she groaned

"You caught us pranking Malfoy and joined us, then we ended up here and Remus let you sleep in his bed" James made a summary of their night

"I should get going then" she stood up from the bed and walked towards the door "Wait, with what did we prank Malfoy?" She wondered

"We put red dye in his shampoo" Sirius replied

"The commom room will be fun this morning then" she closed the door but could hear the boys laughing

Veronica made her way towards the dungeons cursing on every step she could. How could she end up sleeping with the Marauders?

Just before she said the password she remembered one thing, she wasn't wearing a shirt when she left her common room last night so, why was she wearing one now?

She looked at herself and saw she was wearing a red and yellow Quidditch jersey that was big on her and stopped just above her knee. It even smelled familiar.

Fresh grass, hot chocolate and smoke.

She took it off before entering her commom room, it was better if no one saw her in a Gryffindor jersey. Just then she saw the name at the back.


• • •

"My father will hear about this!" Lucius complained once again

"It's not that bad" Narcissa tried to calm him down

"It's bloody red Narcissa! Get it off!" Lucius exclaimed

"Malfoy, I already tried. It won't go off" Rodolphus Lestrage said as he had been trying to get the red dye from Lucius hair fro a while

"I'm going to Avada Kedavra those blood traitors!" Lucius Malfoy exclaimed once again now leaving the common room

The rest of the Slytherins stood there in silence not even knowing what to say. They wanted to laugh, but they feared the consequences.

"That went well" Veronica Riddle was the first one to speak and the first one to leave the room

Little did they know she was a key part in that prank.

Veronica had more letters, from her mother telling her to not get anywhere near Amos Diggory, from her father telling her to have perfect grades, from her brother just gossiping and the last one she had to open. The big neat letter on the envelope.


"Okay Uncle Tom, let's see" she sighed opening the letter

Dear niece,

You've probably hear a lot of things I'm doing from your brother. He's being extremely helpful this days but I'm sure you will be even better. We all know you inherited my brains.

I write to you to inform you that I'm staying at Malfoy Manor, Abraxas has agreed to make his mansion our headquarters. You'll be joining me and the rest of the Death Eaters this Christmas for the ball.

Finally, I send to you this as an early Christmas present. It is my first horcrux, my diary. It has great significance of my power and who I will become and I want you, my heir, to have it. Keep it safe.

Lord Voldemort

Veronica closed the letter and took the diary. It was black and make of leather. On the inside nothing was writing, only his uncle name on elegant golden letter on the cover.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

This was it. Her uncle's first horcrux. A part of his soul. How was she, a sixteen year old, be able to keep that safe. Again, Veronica Riddle found herself in a situation she was scared of being in.

Veronica wrote to all of them back, even saying thank you for the horcrux to her uncle.

She couldn't believe she was admitting it but maybe last night when she was drunk and pulling pranks with the Marauders was the best she's been in a while.

• • •

So now Veronica has a horcrux, what do your think will happen?
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Love you!!
- chanel x

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