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new friends

Weeks passed and Veronica grew closer to the Marauders much to her Slytherin friends dislike

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Weeks passed and Veronica grew closer to the Marauders much to her Slytherin friends dislike. She even had to blackmail Regulus, so he didn't tell his mother her and Sirius were talking again.

The youngest Riddle would walk to her classes with them, share notes and study with Remus, steal from the kitchen with Peter, laugh everywhere with Sirius like when they were little kids and spend a lot of time with James.

Happiness was a feeling she couldn't describe, had she ever been happy? She couldn't even conjure a Patronus. But her time with the Marauders was the closest she's ever been to happy.

All that thing similar to happiness was taken away from her when she got news that the four Marauders were in the Hospital Wing.

She even ran there, she didn't know why but she wanted to see her new friends and in what state they were.

"Merlin!" She exclaimed when she got there

Peter was already taking all his things to leave but the other three were other thing. Remus was sitting down on his bed looking at her with a smile, Sirius was groaning with a cast on his arm and James hadn't even noticed she was there due to a certain red head standing at the side of his bed.

"Remus! How are you? Oh Merlin! Here, I took notes for you this morning" she handed the boy a pile of papers that he took with a smile

"Thank you Ronnie, you didn't have to" He replied smiling

"You didn't take notes for me?" Sirius asked her from his bed

"It's not like you were going to use them" she replied chuckling

She looked at boys and wondered what happened, how did they get in that state. She had been with them in the library the whole evening.

"What happened?" She asked them

"Prank gone wrong" Sirius replied simply

Veronica nodded and looked again at James who was too distracted with Lily Evans to even notice her. He was in the worst state but she didn't even ask him, he already had his fans all over him.

"I'll come back later, be careful" she told the two boys who were paying attention to her

"Alright, mum" Remus joked making her roll her eyes

As Veronica left the Hospital Wing she didn't noticed that a certain James Potter was looking at her confused, he had noticed she was there. Only a few moments later Lily left too, leaving him alone with his friends.

"She didn't even look at me" James groaned

"She did Prongs, but you were too busy with Evans to notice" Sirius responded

"I was not too busy, I saw her talking to you but she didn't even ask me how I was" James continued complaining

"But isn't this what you've always wanted? Having all of Lily's attention?" Remus asked his friend

"Yeah but Riddle didn't even spare a glance" James groaned again

Sirius and Remus looked between each other, what had happened to his friend. The thing is that he had been changing little by little, he didn't walk Lily to class anymore, he only made half the comments he usually would. The redhead did not have his full attention anymore, it was now shared with the Heir of Slytherin.

• • •

Saturday came quickly and with it Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. None of the Slytherins were supposed tk be there but Veronica always was, in each and every Hufflepuff game.

Veronica didn't wear anything green or black, she wanted to be as invisible as she could. She seated with some Hufflepuff she always did, they would never say anything to the Slytherins of her being there. They were somewhat her friends. You knkw what they say, the best friendship is between a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff.

The Gryffindors won but still Veronica cheered loudly for the Hufflepuffs. She then waited for the players to go out.

"Amos! You were brilliant" she exclaimed hugging her cousin, the person she was there for.

"Thank you for being there, Ronnie" he smiled down at his cousin

"Always. You are the best Quidditch player out there, is the rest of the Hufflepuffs that are useless" she complained making Amos roll his eyes

"Don't talk about them like that" he said

"What? It's the truth" Veronica shrugged making Amos laugh at her Slytherin personality

They chatted for a bit more until a group of Gryffindors appeared shouting, as always.

"Good one, Prongs!" Sirius was heard the most

Veronica and Amos turned to look at them and smiled, they never change.

"I'll leave you with them" Amos announced "I'll see you cousin" he waved goodbye at the girl

As soon as the Hufflepuff turned the corner she was left alone with the Marauders, who all were cheering for James catching the snitch.

"Great catch, Potter" she said making them all look at her

"I saw you at the stands, came to watch me play, Riddle?" The boy cockily asked her

"I came to watch my cousin play. You have your head too far up your ass" she rolled her eyes

"Ah! Diggory yes, one day you'll come to watch me" Potter proudly stated

"Keep dreaming Potter" Veronica giggled. She never giggles.

Their conversation was cut short when a red heard threw herself to Potter's back.

"You were amazing out there James!" Lily exclaimed

Veronica couldn't believe her eyes, she was there, all the time. Lily Evans was an obstacle for her. She didn't know what her final goal was but all she knew was that the redhead shouldn't cross her path.

Remus, Sirius and Peter looked at each other an then at Veronica's face which was now a deep shade of red, anger.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Here we go!" Sirius ran and picked her up over his shoulder when he noticed she was doing non-verbal magic to hex Lily Evans.

"Put me down, you wanker!" She complained loudly

When they got into their dorm, Sirius dropped her onto his bed. The three Madauders looking at her.

"What?" She asked them

"You were going to hex Lily!" Remus exclaimed

"You've lost your damn mind, Riddle" Sirius exclaimed now

"She's always interrupting, I'm sick of it and it was not a dangerous spell" Veronica defended herself

"Still!" Remus exclaimed "Why did you get so angry?" He asked

"She's got the hots for James" Sirius stated as if it was obvious

"As if! I don't like him you know it's not even possible for me to feel something like that, Black" Veronica stood up "she is just annoying and a mudblood" The Slyhterin walked out of the room and went down to the dungeons

"I told you, whipped" Sirius stated now that Veronica could not hear them

"They are going to be the end of me" Remus whined

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