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Veronica liked having girl time with Narcissa

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Veronica liked having girl time with Narcissa. The two girls met before coming to Hogwarts in the multiple parties held for the purebloods. The greatest secret is that Veronica was a halfblood.

The brunette was braiding the blonde's hair in their dorms before they headed for dinner. Narcissa wanted to look specially beautiful that night.

"So Lucius, huh?" Veronica asked making Narcissa gasp

"What are you talking about?" The blonde asked her friend who just laughed at her reaction

"Oh, you can't fool me Cissy. Everyone has noticed how you look at him, besides you left me for him in Potions" Veronica said as she braided her friends hair

"Yeah, sorry about that" Cissy looked back at Veronica

"It's fine. Nott couldn't stop flirting with me, but it was funny" Riddle said

"He has liked you forever" Cissy laughed

"He doesn't like me, he just likes annoying me" Veronica rolled her eyes "And don't change the topic, we were talking about Lucius"

"Okay fine, I might like him a bit and I'm trying to get him to ask me to Hogsmeade" The blonde admitted

"I have prefect duties with him, I can talk to him if you want" The dark haired girl offered

"Oh no please. Let me handle it" Narcissa was thankful for her friend but she knew how bold she could be so instead she preferred to get Lucius by herself

"Okay, done" Veronica smiled when she finished Narcissa's braid

"Perfect, thank you!" The blonde said leaving

Veronica watched her friend go laughing softly, she couldn't understand how that girl did all she did for a boy.

"Love is such a weakness" she whispered for herself

And Veronica Riddle was anything but weak.

• • •

Veronica loved her friends but sometimes she needed time alone to think about everything going on in her life. So she went to the only place where she felt genuinely good to be alone, the Astronomy tower. There was something about being alone watching the stars that she loved.

The youngest Riddle worst fear was her uncle, not precisely him but what she could become if she joined him, that was what she saw in her boggart back in her second year and she was sure it was what she would still be seeing. But there was another thing that tied with her uncle being her greatest fear: her emotions.

Her father, William Riddle was the result of a loveless union in which Veronica's grandmother used Amortentia to make Tom Riddle Sr., her grandfather, love her. Everybody knew that kids born from a union made by a love potion could not love and so neither her father nor her uncle knew what love was, instead they taught her that love was a person's greatest weakness. Her parents didn't love each other either, her mother was just infatuated with him, she thinks she loves him but she just loves the life he can offer her. So you could say that Veronica and her brother were also product from a loveless union.

Veronica Riddle did not know what love was.

Her mother didn't love her, she just wanted her daughter to be successful and her father just wanted her to be the heir to everything his brother did. Then there was Nathaniel, her brother was probably the closest she was from loving someone. But what is love? She definitely cared about her brother but did she love him? Would she die for him?

Is there anything worse than living a life without knowing what love is?

"You can't be here" Veronica turned around to look at the prefect that found her, James Potter

"I know" she turned back around ignoring the boy

"Oh it's you" James whispered but Veronica still heard him "I should take points off Slytherin you know?" He walked towards her

"Yeah, but you're not going to" The young Riddle now fully turned around to look at James

"Why not?" He walked even closer to her

"Because I'll hex you" she simple stated

Both teens stood just a few feet away from each other in silence.

"You know" James was the one to break the silence "A lot of girls would kill to be where you are right now" he whispered but both of them could hear it

"Shame I'm not one of them" Veronica responded coldly

"Why are you here all alone anyway? It's sad" the boy said

"I wanted to be by myself, now can you stop being nosy" she scoffed

"I was just wondering. You left the library so abruptly and now you are here" James stated

"You are starting to piss me off" Veronica glared at the curly haired boy

"I'm just trying to be nice, Riddle" he scoffed

"Then stop" she replied

"Why are you like that?" He asked the girl again

"That's it" Veronica said taking out her wand "Silencio" she moved it and in a second James Potter could only move his mouth, but no sound was coming off it

"Goodnight Potter" she smiled fake at the boy and left the Astronomy Tower

• • •

Adam Driver as Severus Snape

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Adam Driver as Severus Snape

Sophie Skelton as Lily Evans

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Sophie Skelton as Lily Evans

• • •

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- chanel x

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