twenty nine

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Veronica counted the days left in her house until she went to visit the Potters. All she did now was obeying her mother in terms of femininity, posture, manners and physical appearance, to her mother Veronica's only use was to show off.

Meanwhile, her father trained her in the Dark Arts with daily classes of spells and potions that were not taught at Hogwarts due to them being illegal. She was also taught Occlumency and Legilimency, something she was particularly excellent in.

Voldemort was barely at home, he would leave esrly in the morning, sometimes accompanied by his brother and come back late in the evening. Everyone knew what he was doing but not a word was spoken about it.

Some days Death Eater meetings were held and is Veronica was lucky some of her friends would come with their parents, Narcissa Black being the only one she truly wanted to see.

But Veronica noticed something was off in her brother. He would spend a lot of time with her, yes, but he was acting weird. Nathaniel Riddle is the oldest of the two but Veronica had been always the centre of attention, the perfect heir for the Riddle. She was a Riddle while he was Diggory. He used all that attention he didn't get to sneak out of the house for hours, only Veronica semmed to notice.

One day Veronica decided to investigate or get information out of him, so she followed him to his room and with a simple flick of her wand and a soft whisper saying Alohomora the door opened.

Inside Nathaniel Riddle jumped surprised and seemed to relax when he saw it was only his sister who had stormed into his room.

"What are you doing?" The youngest of the siblings asked

"Nothing sister, just close the door" he said closing the door from the distance with his wand

Veronica walked closer to him and saw a lot of books on his bed, spell books, mainly focused on Defence Against the Dark Arts. She also saw some paper scattered as if he had been writing something.

"Are you done?" Nate broke his sister out of her trance

"Not really" she shook her head

"You have to go, Ronnie" Nate grabbed his sister's arm

"What is going on, Nate? I'm not stupid, you're onto something and I want to know what" Veroncia replied

"I know but I already told you that when the time comes you'll know. But for now it's too dangerous" the blonde boy looked at his sister apologizing

"But why?" She whined

"Trust me on this okay. I know when to tell you everything, you just have to wait for that time to come" Nate tried to calm down his sister

"Fine" she finally said walking out of her brother's room

Nathaniel had kept an arm behind his back all the time Veronica had been in his room but for a seconds she thought she saw he was holding a letter and that letter had in big and fancy letters some initials written.

A. P. W. B. D

• • •

"I can't believe you're really going to see him" Narcissa Malfoy chuckled

"Cissy I'm trusting you with this, please" Veronica said looking at her

Camille Riddle and Druella Black were great friends and because of that both women met to drink coffee every week and this time, Druella had brought her youngest daughter. Veronica and Narcissa were now in the youngest Riddle's room with Veronica telling her friend all about her going to see James Potter.

"I know Ronnie, I won't tell don't worry. It's just funny to me that you from all people are the one dating a Gryffindor" Narcissa stated

"We're not dating Cissy" the other girl shook her head

"Not yet" The blonde pointed out

Veronica was glad she could tell Narcissa everything about it and that she was not going to judge her. The truth is that Veronica was also confused of what she was feeling for a Gryffindor, she was raised to see Gryffindors as their opposite house, as someone she shouldn't even talk to.

"I think he's good for you" Narcissa said "You've changed since you hang out with them and actually I like this version of you better" she stated looking at her best friend

"I haven't changed" Veronica shook her head

"Well, you used to insult all Gryffindors you saw on the hallways and call blood traitor and mudbloods  to literally everyone but the Slytherin purebloods" Narcissa pointed out

"But James Potter is a pureblood, Gryffindor, but a pureblood" Veronica said

"I think that is not the thing that made you like him" The blonde said

Veronica knew she was right but she didn't want to admit it. She couldn't care less if James was a pureblood, it helped of course, but lately she had been thinking that all those labels in blood purity were stupid, they were all magical after all. What she liked the most about James was his determination, he used to go after Lily Evans for years and now her and he wasn't going to stop until she fell for him. Veronica also liked his ability to be a leader, wether it be in his group of friends or playing Quidditch. She also liked his charming personality and dark brown curls. But what she mostly like was the ability he had to make her feel something, she used to think she was incapable of love, but now she was starting to believe that was not entirely true.

"I just want to see what happens, let time tell" Veronica said after a few moments of silence

"You need to get out of this house Ronnie, I'm glad it's Potter who you are staying with, he brings the best in you" Narcissa Black smiled at her friend

"Yeah, I think so too" Veronica sighed

Veronica was grateful for Narcissa, she was the best friend she needed. A girl to gossip with, have fun, but also share your problems with without being judged. She was glad the blonde was in her life.

"I think you deserve better than Lucius" Veronica said making Narcissa frown "You're great Cissy, too good for him"

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