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"I don't know, Padfoot!" James exclaimed tired of his friends' interrogation

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"I don't know, Padfoot!" James exclaimed tired of his friends' interrogation

"So you just saw Mistletoe and thought: Hey! I should kiss Veronica fucking Riddle" Sirius asked his friend, he couldn't believe James and Veronica actually kissed

"I know! It was stupid, but she kissed me first" James explained

"I can't believe she didn't punch you" Sirius laughed from the bed he was sitting on

"She probably thought about punching me" James groaned "I don't know what's wrong with me, I love Lily, why did I even want to go on a date with her?" He said

"Keep telling yourself that, Prongs" Sirius laughed at his friend

"C'mon you know I do! I've been loving her for six years" James said adjusting his glasses

"Sure" Sirius said with a knowing smirk on his face

"I hate you" James complained

"Oh please Prongs, everybody loves me" Sirius said cheking himself out in the mirror making James roll his eyes at his friend

The truth is thay James Potter knew it too, he had since the Amortentia, but he didn't want to admit it.

• • •

The Christmas ball at the Malfoy's was nothing but boring. Veronica spent the whole evening with Narcissa and Lucius trying to not kill anyone out of boredom.

"Nott has been looking at you the whole evening" Narcissa smirked

"I know" Veronica looked towards the boy as she took the last sip of her champagne glass

"You should dance with him" the blonde girl smiled at her friend

"No, thank you. I'd rather stay here questioning my existence" Veronica took yet another glass of champagne

"Too late, he's coming this way" Lucius announced

"Have fun!" Narcissa took Lucius hand and began to walk away

"No, no, no. Cissy come back! Lucius!" Veronica called after the pair

But it was no use, Theodore Nott was already in front of her with a charming smile.

"Riddle, you can't get any prettier" Theodore complimented the girl

Everyone at Malfoy Manor could admit that she was the prettiest girl there. Veronica was wearing a black silky gown with long gloves she only wore to cover her Dark Mark. Her hair was loose in big curls and she wore a little black and shiny tiara on her head. Her black and silver eyeshadow made her eyes pop and so did her deep red lipstick with her lips.

"You look good too, Nott" she smiled at the boy

Veronica had to admit Theodore Nott was really good looking and she didn't mind the attention she got from him, but in that moment she just wanted to go home and be alone in her room.

"Want to dance?" Theodore gave Veronica his hand

"Sure" she took it and was led to the dance floor

Dancing at the Malfoy's Christmas Ball wasn't exactly what Veronica had ever dreamt of doing. She knew everything there was fake, it was just a lame excuse to have a Death Eater meeting. Chances were there was going to be news next morning about a muggle mass murder.

Veronica was just there to entertain the assistants, to show everyone could be a Death Eater and they would still be as beautiful and charming as she was.

Veronica and Theodore danced for some time, the didn't shut up at how beautiful the girl was and it was clearly annoying her.

"Nott" Veronica made him stop dancing "Please stop complimenting me, be more natural" she said trying to make him relax

"Sorry, I just thought you liked-

"I like when people kiss my ass, Nott, but doing so every two seconds is a bit annoying" she told him

"Sorry, I thought I was warming up to your heart that way" the boy said

"Oh Theodore, I have no heart" Veronica smirked

After that talk Theodore relaxed and made Veronica had a good evening, she could admit she even had fun. Maybe Theodore Nott was the only good thing that came from that night.

After the party she sat down on her bed and took a thing from her suitcase, a book, a diary, a leather diary, her uncle's one, his first horcrux. She stared at it, how come something so powerful seem so useless? Her life had changed ever since she got it and she knew that.

Veronica took off her gloves and look at the Dark mark, it was now fully healed and black. She would have to live with it forever.

Did she support her uncle's cause? Did she not? She was a halfblood but still, the only people she was friends with were purebloods and she was known for bullying mudbloods. How could she turn her back on everything she'd ever known?

Her brother did and deep down she knew she wasn't like the rest of the family but she couldn't turn her back on them either. She had to choose, light or dark, good or bad.

Everyone knew Veronica Riddle was not a good girl.

The girl did not even think about James Potter that night, she didn't even remember their kiss. But she let the window open so she could smell the fresh grass from the garden in the morning.

Meanwhile, James couldn't sleep. A redhead and a girl with black hair clouded his mind.

• • •

I just wanted to say on Veronica's behalf that she bullies muggle borns and has those thoughts about pureblood supremacy because that's everything she's ever known and you can expect it's hard turning your back on that.

Apart from that I hope you like her character as much as I do.

- chanel x

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